Joe Biden Called Clinton Impeachment A ‘Lynching’ But It Wasn’t Racist Somehow

Yesterday President Trump described the democrats’ effort to impeach him as a “lynching.” Because the came from Trump, naturally democrats flipped out and accused the President of racism due to the fact that democrats used to lynch black people. Joe Biden was more than happy to pile on this silly bandwagon, but as it turns out he once described Bill Clinton’s impeachment as a lynching. Don’t worry, Crazy Joe is a democrat so he’s not racist like Trump is for saying the same thing.

Here’s the Trump tweet that set the liberal outrage in motion:

Which prompted this response from Joe Biden:

You got that? Describing an impeachment of the President of the United States as a “lynching” is racist because of the history of lynching. Period. No exceptions. Well except this exception.

Back in 1998 when Bill Clinton was facing impeachment for perjury (an actual crime), Biden said this fun thing to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer:

“Even if the President should be impeached, history is going to question whether or not this was just a partisan lynching,” said Biden.

WTF? A democrat being outraged over something Trump said, when he has said the exact same thing in the exact same context? I never heard of such a thing.

This is already bad, but Joe Biden wouldn’t be Crazy Joe if he didn’t have the ability to make it worse. Check out his “apology” for this:

So Trump is racist for calling an impeachment a “lynching” because he chose his words deliberately? Is that really what a guy facing questions of his mental stability wants to go with?

If Trump chose his words deliberately, that means Joe Biden didn’t choose his words deliberately. That he has no control over the things he says and thinks. I’m not arguing with him on that point, it’s just very strange that he finally admitted it.

In order to avoid being a hypocrite, Biden is saying that he is a dysfunctional idiot. I don’t know who is advising Biden, but hypocrisy is definitely the lesser of two evils here.

The fact that this is related to the mutha of all hypocrisies makes this even more ridiculous. President Trump is accused of threatening to withhold foreign aid to the Ukraine unless the country agreed to investigate Joe Biden and his crooked son. There is no proof of this and in fact all of the evidence shows Trump never did this.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has bragged on tape that he threatened to withhold foreign aide to the Ukraine unless the country fired a prosecutor who was investigating his crooked son.

Whatever the democrats accuse someone else of doing is actually what they are guilty of. They are the party of projection.