Biden Says Fox News Is ‘One Of The Most Destructive Forces In The U.S.’

Joe Biden has destroyed America’s economy, energy independence, sovereignty, and has the world on the brink of destruction. Fox News is the #1 cable news network that employs 9,000 people. Try to guess which one of these things Biden thinks is the most destructive force in the country. You probably read the headline so you know Biden doesn’t believe he’s the source of destruction in this nation.

CNN reports:

In a forthcoming book, a pair of New York Times reporters and CNN political analysts report that President Joe Biden “assessed” Fox News “as one of the most destructive forces in the United States.”

The reporters, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, say that Biden was even more critical of Fox Corp patriarch Rupert Murdoch.

According to the book, Biden told an unnamed associate in mid-2021 that Murdoch was “the most dangerous man in the world.”

The description comes many chapters into “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future,” which comes out in May.

We’ve already touched on all the things Biden has manage to destroy in his first year or so in the White House, so that’s a load of crap. As for Rupert Murdoch being the “most dangerous man in the world,” Joe is a guy with dementia who has the U.S. nuclear codes. I can’t even think of an analogy or metaphor that sounds more dangerous than that.

The reason why Biden feels this way, or rather, that his handlers tell him he feels this way about Fox News is because the entire rest of the media is literally the Ministry of Propaganda for the democratic party.

The liberal media turns a blind eye to Biden’s dangerously diminished mental capacity as well as his and his crackhead son’s corruption. They not only bury unflattering stories about Biden, they attack anyone who dares report them as agents of Russian disinformation.

When Joe Biden tells an obviously lie, which is every day, rather than fact-check him, the liberal media explains what Biden meant to say. When Joe Biden says something ridiculous or embarrassing, the liberal media pretends like it’s funny or charming, rather than alarming.

If you need any more proof: CNN is reporting on this Biden slam like it’s no big deal but whenever Donald Trump said something negative about the press, they cried that it was an assault on 1st Amendment and would lead to the deaths of journalists.

Meanwhile, this same liberal media tries to portray Fox News as right-wing propaganda. Here’s a fun exercise for the fake news industry: name one time Foix News had to retract or correct a story. It’s never happened because they only report on verifiable facts. The liberal media however is in a constant state of cleaning up their lies. The NY Times, The WaPo, CNN, and MSNBC have made dozens and dozens of retractions, mostly involving Trump but always Republican-related.

If the liberal media gets it wrong so frequently and only in the Republican direction and Fox News never f*cks up, who is the actual destructive force? Who is the state-run media?

To get the answers to those questions, look at how much the American public distrusts the lame stream media. And to get the answer to who is a more destructive force: Fox News or Joe Biden, look at the ratings and poll numbers. Fox News is #1 and Joe Biden is in the crapper. He could maybe claim he’s #2, but only in the sense that he is literal shit.