Bruce Springsteen Says President Trump Doesn’t Know What It Means To Be American

Yawn-rocker Brice Springsteen has declared that President Trump has no idea what it means to be an American. Is it because he wrote a song called “Born in the USA” that makes him the boss on being American? No, it’s actually his undeserved liberal sense of moral and intellectual superiority that does that.

Springsteen has something new coming out (a movie perhaps but who cares?) and went on CBS This Morning to bitch about President Trump to promote it.

Host Gayle King asked Springsteen if he was concerned about the direction of the country. As a crybaby liberal, of course he is:

“It’s just frightening, we’re living in a frightening time,” said Springsteen.

Yeah, all that job growth, record low unemployment, and world peace is terrifying, isn’t it? It’s a frightening time for liberals because their preferred candidate lost the 2016 election and the guy who won and who they hate is doing a great job. I would have been scared if Obama had turned out to be a great president, but thankfully that wasn’t an issue.

“The stewardship of the nation is, has been thrown away to somebody who doesn’t have a clue as to what that means,” Springsteen continued.

So the will of the American people is “throwing away” the presidency? The results of a free and fair election are garbage? That’s certainly what the most boring guy in rock ‘n roll thinks.

“The United States of America is in your care. Do you know what the stakes are? Do you know what that means? And unfortunately, we have somebody who I feel doesn’t have a grasp of the deep meaning of what it means to be an American,” said Springsteen.

So President Trump doesn’t know what it means to be an American? Through hard work, Donald Trump built a billion-dollar empire and then because President of the United States. He’s the living embodiment of the American dream. He is America.

Maybe Springsteen thinks he serves as the example of what it means to be an American: a brooding sourpuss who pretends to be a working class schlub, despite his vast wealth, who tells other people how to live and act, while throwing a temper tantrum when things don’t go his way. No, that’s the definition of a liberal, not an American.

If you really look at Springsteen’s quote, he not just saying that Trump is not an American, but also the people who elected him. He dismisses Trump’s election as a throwaway, as trash, so he’s saying the millions of people who put him in office are un-American litterbugs.

Bruce Springsteen is less of an authority on “Americanism” when you consider that he always supports democratic candidates who want to eliminate our rights and steer the country into socialism. Being American is not trying to destroy America and its freedom.

Even his song “Born in the USA” isn’t the pro-American Anthem most people think it is. It’s basically a Vietnam War protest song with themes that America sucks and patriotism is bad. The chorus is anti-patriotic sarcasm.

Liberals try to change the meanings of things because their indefensible positions cannot be support by facts or commonsense. This is Brice Springsteen’s attempt to redefine what it means to be an American as someone who literally hates this country.