Joe Biden Denied Holy Communion For Being A Pro-Abortion Heretic

Joe Biden is Catholic democrat, which is kind of like being a truthful liar. The two things just don’t go together. So much of what it means to be a democrat opposes the teachings of the church, especially supporting killing unborn babies as a matter of convenience. Biden was recently denied Holy Communion at a Catholic church because of his love of abortion. The good news for Joe is that his mind is gone and he doesn’t even remember the sins he needs to atone for, which may be a theological loophole.

As SCNow reports, Biden was stiff-armed at a church in South Carolina on Sunday:

Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential race, was denied Holy Communion on Sunday morning at a Florence church.

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.

“Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse Holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden. Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the Church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of Church teaching,” said Father Morey.

It’s not all bad for Joe. He at least got a consolation prize:

“I will keep Mr. Biden in my prayers,” Morey said.

There’s actually a whole slew of things that could have been used to deny Biden Holy Communion: In addition to supporting publicly funded abortions right up until birth, Biden is also a big fan of same-sex marriage, which the Catholic church frowns upon. Plus he thinks there are at least 3 genders, so he’s apparently not a big fan of God’s work in creating mankind.

Biden’s camping refused to even acknowledge that he attended mass at Saint Anthony on Sunday, which is pretty strange. It gets weirder because NBC tried to ask him about it and he was super-evasive:

“I’m not going to discuss that. That’s just my personal life, and I’m going to get into that at all,” said Biden.

He is running for president and frequently talks about his Catholic faith as well as his love of baby killing, so this really isn’t his personal life.

Biden then tried to reconcile his faith with his support for abortion:

“I’m a practicing Catholic, I practice my faith,” [he said], but added he won’t “impose that view on other people.”

So he won’t impose his religious views on other people but he will force his liberal views on everyone? It’s hard to be that full of shit, but Biden pulled it off.

If Biden was truly a “practicing Catholic” he couldn’t in good conscience support taking a human life through elective surgery. He wouldn’t support killing unborn babies for any reason, let alone over irresponsibility and laziness. What that proves is he literally doesn’t have a conscience.

The liberal media cheers when goofball lefty restaurant owners refuse to serve Trump supporters and administration officials, but there just isn’t as much high-fiving going on with Biden being denied communion. Since Biden has already been anointed by the Church of Liberalism as their Trump-slaying messiah, chances are the fake news is gearing up for hit pieces on the priest and the Church.

Who’s ready for CNN to dox Father Morey and the WaPo times to proclaim Christianity a  threat to democracy?