Did Joe Biden Go Out Hunting Black People? Yeah, Probably

Earlier this year Liam Neeson admitted that, fueled by anger, he used to go out looking for black people to assault. Because he’s a liberal Hollywood guy very little was made of this. Presumably there will also be an absence of liberal media outrage at democrat Joe Biden who appears to have done the same thing. After his family was killed in a car accident, Biden says he wandered around “seedy” neighborhoods looking for people to beat up. “Seedy neighborhood” is code for ghetto, so it could be Joe has admitted to hunting black people just like Neeson.

In 1972 when Biden was first elected to the U.S. Senate, his first wife Neilia and 13-month-old daughter Naomi were killed when a truck broadsided their car. Sons Beau and Hunter were also injured in the accident but survived. Joe later claimed the truck driver was drunk, but there’s no truth to that and in fact the accident was caused by Neilia.

In Biden’s 2008 book Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics he talked about the crash and the anger he felt after. Obviously nobody has ever read this thing because there’s a crazy-ass detail in there:

“I’d bust out of the hospital and go walking the streets nearby. Jimmy would go with me, and I’d steer him wordlessly down into the darkest seediest neighborhoods I could find. I liked to go out at night when I thought there was a better chance of finding a fight. I had not known I was capable of such rage,” wrote Biden.

Darkest seediest neighborhoods? He’s talking about black neighborhoods, right? He didn’t say he was simply walking the streets, but rather the dark seedy streets. He went into the ghetto looking for black people to assault because he was pissed off about losing his family.

The “Jimmy” Biden mentioned in that passage is probably his brother James who, like his son Hunter, leveraged Biden’s position as VP to cash in on investments. It’s unclear why in the story Biden was steering his brother Jimmy around while hunting black people to beat up, but Joe is a nut so anything is possible. Maybe Jimmy was in a wheelchair, which would make this story even more absurd.

In that same excerpt, Joe reported on the condition of his two sons after the accident:

“The doctors assured us that Beau and Hunter would make full recoveries. Beau’s bones would heal. Hunter had no brain impairment,” Biden wrote.

Do the doctors still stand by that prognosis?

In addition to wanting to beat up black people because his wife and daughter died, Biden also admitted he went hunting in the ghetto because he was pissed off at God:

“Well, I didn’t want to hear anything about a merciful God. No words, no prayer, no sermons gave me ease. I felt God had played a horrible trick on me, and I was angry. I found no comfort in the Church. So I kept walking the dark streets to try to exhaust the rage,” wrote Biden.

Well no wonder he was recently denied Holy Communion. Not only was he hunting black people, he turned his back on God.

Chances are, none of this ever happened. Crazy Joe makes up a lot of stuff, but it doesn’t matter of it’s true or not. He wrote in a book that he went looking for black people to assault, which is racist even if it’s a work of fiction. If Trump had written the exact same thing in the Art of the Deal, democrats would try to impeach him over it.

If the liberal media didn’t care about this in 2008, there’s no way they’ll mention it now. Also, they’ve decided he should be the democratic party nominee so they don’t want to give people the idea that Joe has a real problem with black people, which he clearly does.