Joy Behar Advises Democrats To Hide Their Gun Confiscation Plans Until They’re Elected

Beto O’Rourke ran a campaign on banning and confiscating guns. His unconstitutional platform never really caught fire and he dropped out of the the race last week in disgrace. The View cohost Joy Behar thinks O’Rourke’s biggest mistake was tipping his hand. She has advised democrats to keep their gun confiscation plans to themselves until after they are elected and then the can take everyone’s firearms.

The View loved Beto O’Rourke and nobody was more upset than the clucking hens so they dedicated nearly an entire episode to his predictable demise.

O’Rourke had a plan to ban semi-automatic rifles and then to force law-abiding gun owners to sell these weapons to the government or face arrest. He called it a gun “buyback” but since it would have been mandatory, it was a gun confiscation. He said during one of the debates, “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15” so there was no doubt what this was.

Before we get into this, I’d like to point out that Whoopi Goldberg is now a Frosted Mini-Wheat:

She’s still not appetizing.

In any case, part-time conservative Megan McCain tried to point out that Beto O’Rourke’s radical unconstitutional platforms were a major turn-off and the reason why his campaign failed so spectacularly:

“His stance on gun buybacks, Mayor Pete said it was ‘a shiny object that distracts from achievable gun reform.’ Chris Coons said it wasn’t a wise policy or move and ‘it will quickly be played for years at 2nd Amendment rallies,’ with organizations that scare people by saying democrats are coming for your guns,” McCain said.

“He also made some statements about religious institutions and their tax exempt status being removed because they didn’t support same-sex marriage. So he did a lot of battleground culture war. He ran the most left…and look where he ended,” said McCain.

Megan McCain isn’t the brightest or most articulate person but her basic point was that O’Rourke’s campaign crashed and burned because he was threatening to confiscate guns and tax churches. Joy Behar however thought O’Rourke’s problem was being too honest about his unconstitutional plans.

“They should not tell everything they’re gonna do. If you’re gonna take people’s guns away wait till you’re elected, then take the guns away. Don’t tell them ahead of time,” said Behar.

The liberal audience thought this horrifying advise was awesome and erupted in applause and the rest of the chickens clucked along.

“By the way, that’s what people like me think you’re gonna do. That’s what people like me think’s gonna happen so I appreciate his honesty,” McCain said.

There’s a lot going on with Behar’s statement. She’s saying that in no way should democrats ever let people know what they are up to and that the reason Beto O’Rourke failed is because he was honest about his unconstitutional plans. As crappy as it sounds, Behar isn’t wrong.

Democrats want to tear up the 1st and 2nd Amendments, tax the hell out of people to transform the country into a socialist shithole, and erase our borders to facilitate the destruction of our country. No way in hell does anyone advocating those things get elected President of the United States.

And yet, the 2020 democrats are all running on this crap. If it isn’t resonating in the democratic primaries, what are the chances it will be a winner in the general election? Democrats are now officially dumber than Joy Behar and the doesn’t spell victory next November.