I used to love story time as a kid. I remember the conservatively dressed bespectacled elderly librarian would read us such classic childhood stories like “Babar” and “Curious George.” You know, harmless stuff read to impressionable children by adults you could trust.
But all that has changed now as you know. Increasingly, in order to indoctrinate youth in the ways of liberal filth, and that there are indeed more than two genders, libraries have become more and more prone to inviting trannies to read to kids. And because they are SO mentally fucked up, there are parents out there that bring their tots to these things.
So one day, one of the trannies decided to expose its private parts to the kids.
“Accidental” child molestation during ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’
The ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ event, which was gaining popularity among unbiased [sick fucking perverts] sexually parents, crossed the line when a “reader” spread its legs in front of a children’s audience a few weeks ago.
The incident on October 17 at the Hennepin County Library in Hennepin County, Minnesota, not only stunned the ardent critics of the event, but also unpleasantly surprised parents who brought their children to another session of brutal transvestite propaganda.
The photo shows how the speaker, also known as “Sasha Sosa,” being in a skirt, widely spreads his legs in front of the children.
The Facebook post on the Child Protection League Action page was published on October 18.
“What kind of parents bring their children to watch an adult strip club entertainer read transgender books? He looks like he is naked with a face drawn on his body. “Sasha Sota” is his Drag name and he has performed at several gay nightclubs. The other performer is “Gemini Valentine” who read to preschoolers at the Hopkins library on Oct. 5 and has also performed at many adult nightclubs, from his social media, he also appears to still be a teenager,” the post says.
Here’s Gemini. About the size of the rocket of the same name. If I had kids, I wouldn’t allow them to see a woman dressed like this, let alone a tranny.

As it turned out later, the library administration again neglected checking the biography of the performers and did not know in advance that Sosa and his partner regularly perform in strip clubs. It is worth recalling that all these events are sponsored from the budget, and accordingly from the pocket of taxpayers.
Because children’s safety in just not important anymore.
From another article, thing Sota defended his pedophilia with, “Sota responded to the uproar by insisting that he was merely “picking up a book” and was annoyed with himself for forgetting to wear panties. “I’m not any of the things they’re saying about me,” he told City Pages.”
“He” was annoyed with “himself” for forgetting to wear panties? Bullshit. You’re a sex performer. You were going to read to kids. You just forgot to wear undergarments and then spread your legs?
You are nothing but a sick pedophile! Why are no charges being pressed here against this cross-dressing pedo??? And can we not just exterminate these freaks, the librarians that allow this to happen, and the parents who allow their children to be literally exposed to such filth?
This thing needs to be prosecuted, found to be guilty as a sex offender, and beaten and raped to death in prison.