Wokeball: MLB Could Pull All Star Game From Atlanta Over Election Integrity Law


There is no escape from the poisonous racial politics that have contaminated all of American culture and have bled over into the games that once served as a unifying experience.

Democrats and their armies of whitey-hating activists are yowling like scalded cats over the state of Georgia’s attempt at restoring voter faith in fair elections after the 2020 fiasco that saw the longtime red state go for Joe Biden over Donald J. Trump in the November election.

The abundance of suspicious activity that included a “burst pipe” that shut down the counting at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena on election night along with suspect mail-in votes and ballot harvesting spurred the state legislature to action out of the necessity for election integrity.

Predictably, Georgia’s attempt to save the state’s elections from being as illegitimate as those that take place in third-world banana republics has been decried by tall of the usual suspects as – you guessed it – racism with the doddering, senile puppet Biden comparing the legislation to Jim Crow laws that in one of those big lies of omission, he fails to mention were put in place by Democrats including the two Dixiecrat segregationists that he caught fire for yukking it up with during the early stages of the campaign.

Next comes the economic terrorism and leading the way, is Major League Baseball which has ceded the title of  “America’s pastime” to the whining about phantom oppression and the nonexistent “white supremacist” culture in a nation that the racist left claims was built on the bones of African-American slaves.

MLB Player’s Association Executive Director Tony Clark is threatening to move this summer’s All-Star game out of Atlanta where it is scheduled to be played on July 13th at Truist Park, home of one of the teams with an Indian nickname.

Via The Washington Examiner, “Hardball: MLB players could pitch moving All-Star Game from Atlanta over Georgia election changes”:

Major League Baseball players are willing to talk about moving the All-Star Game out of Atlanta because of Georgia’s new election law, according to the chief of the players’ union.

Tony Clark, the executive director of the Major League Baseball Players Association, said on Friday that the “players are very much aware” of the sweeping voting restrictions bill that was signed into law by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, according to the Boston Globe.

“As it relates to the All-Star Game, we have not had a conversation with the league on that issue. If there is an opportunity to, we would look forward to having that conversation,” Clark added, noting that this summer’s All-Star Game is set to be hosted by the Atlanta Braves.

The bill, which passed through a Republican-controlled legislature and was signed by Kemp on Thursday, changes voter ID laws in the state, limits ballot boxes, reduces the time between a general election and a runoff contest, and prevents members of the public from distributing anything to voters waiting in line, among other changes.

Another organization, the National Black Justice Coalition, called on the PGA Tour to pull the Masters Tournament from the Augusta National Golf Course. They also called on golfers to refuse to play until the restrictions are reversed.

Democrats jumped to fan the flames, led by David Axelrod, an operative for the dangerous racial arsonist Barack Obama.

MLB continues to shoot itself in the foot with its foolish foray into the “woke” wars after losing major viewership during last year’s COVID-abbreviated season when the league joined the NBA and to a lesser degree, the NHL by promoting the divisive agenda of the Marxist-inspired Black Lives Matter at a time when violent riots were raging across the nation.

While such treats may spook spineless Georgia politicians like Governor Brian Kemp, the Republican squish who enabled the election problems through his fecklessness, more and more regular Americans are tiring of the merger of politics and sports and are tuning out.