Hair Sniffin’ Joe Biden Says Fast Food Workers Shouldn’t Be Sexually Harassed

If you thought the democrats’ effort to pay burger flippers $15 an hour was ridiculous, Joe Biden believes fast food workers should have protections no other woman or girl he has ever come in contract with have. Grabby, squeezey, hair-sniffer Creepy Joe says McDonald’s employees should be protected against sexual harassment. That’s all good and well, but what about the wives and daughters of democrats and dignitaries?

Self-awareness. How does it work? Joe is not real sure about that and to prove it, he made this video:

“I stand with McDonald’s workers. $15 is the minimum wage you should be receiving. No one should work 40 hours a week and not be able to live beyond the poverty level,” said Biden.

Even the people who made terrible life choices? Also, what the hell is living beyond the poverty line? Did he mean “above” because what he’s describing sounds like some kind of forbidden zone in a bad 70’s post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie. “Don’t go beyond the poverty level, there are radioactive mutants there.”

Biden then makes his case that “we need strong unions” to keep McDonald’s assistant mangers from doing what he’s been doing his entire political career.

“The idea that you cannot have a union to protect you against the sexual harassment that goes on is outrageous,” Biden claimed.

So unions protect fry cooks from getting groped? Biden actually may have a point here. There are no Senators or Vice Presidents unions that could have stopped him from fondling horrified little girls and sniffing the hair of equally frightened young women.

“We are long past this time. We have to change the culture,” continued Biden.

Does that include changing the culture that allowed him to creep on women for almost half a century? Of course not. Biden is a democrat, so this isn’t about him, it’s pointed at others. The word “we” never includes liberals when they are making demands.

Biden doubled-down on the superpowers of unions by claiming:

“$15 an hour. No sexual harassment,” said. Biden. “Unions will help do that.”

I don’t doubt that working at McDonald’s isn’t exactly a dream job, but how much sexual harassment goes on there? The entire kitchen is open to the public so the customers can see what’s going on. If McDonald’s management was doing what Joe does on countless C-SPAN videos, people would see it. It’s unlikely the assistant to the assistant manager is going to bumping and grinding on the fry girl in plain sight. Not everyone is as shameless as touchy-feely Joe.

Robots can make burgers and kiosks can take orders. The only thing a “strong” burger-flipper union will do is cause cut hours and lost jobs. This again bolsters at least part of Biden’s argument: if you don’t have a job, ain’t no manager pinching your ass.

Joe Biden rallying against sexual harassment is about as hypocritical as Hillary Clinton doing it. Maybe pick a something you’re not famously guilty of to freak out about. It’s a fun thing that Republicans do called “not being completely full of shit.”