Chelsea Handler Hopes Devin Nunes Gets Injured, Accuses President Trump Of Having Syphilis

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from whacko leftist unfunny comedian Chelsea Handler. Apparently she has a documentary coming out about how she needs psychotherapy to deal with her whiteness. Along those same lines, she clearly does need intensive mental help because she’s certifiably insane. Not only did she wish injury upon Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, she accused President Trump of having syphilis. I guess she is kind of funny, just not in a “ha ha” way, but more of a “lock your doors and hide the children” way.

The House democrat-led impeachment inquiry/coup attempt has been a giant shitshow with witness after witness offering irrelevant hearsay opinions instead of actual evidence. The one bright spot has been the Republicans, led by Rep. Devin Nunes, dismantling the witnesses and slamming Coupmaster Adam Schiff.

Chelsea Handler, known alcoholic and TDS sufferer, was personally offended by Nunes pointing out facts and developed an unhealthy obsession with the California Congressman. She began daily tweets to get his attention:

After getting no attention from Nunes, Handler snapped today and her stalking became violent:

Twitter may not allow political ads, but they sure let leftists play out their violent fantasies.

Handler may have chosen to say she hopes Nunes gets hit by an electric scooter, because she thinks not that big of a deal, but this things are killers: 8 Deaths Now Tied to E-Scooters

Actually, Handler probably knows the potential for injury and death in getting hit by an E-scooter, which is why she wished it upon Nunes. She seems like that shitty of a person.

Speaking of being shitty, Handler’s other obsession, President Trump, recently began his yearly physical, which set her off again:

Isn’t that nice? Remember when Obama was president and all those right-wing celebrities accused him of having VD? Yeah, me neither.

Chelsea Handler is an emotionally crippled person who, up until this point, has only been involved in self-destructive behavior. Clearly her Trump Derangement Syndrome has advanced and she is now a danger to others. If ever there was a need for a “red flag” law to put a person in an institution, this is it. First comes the obsession, then the threats, and finally the carnage.

Unfortunately, Handler will never get the help she needs because she is in a liberal bubble surrounded by people equally as violent and crazy as she is. To all liberal celebrities, calling Republicans a bunch of fat assholes with sexually transmitted diseases and hoping they are maimed or killed is considered bravely resisting the will of the American people.