New York Times: Sunshine Is Racist!

Next to saying oxygen is racist, claiming sunshine is racist is the most ridiculous thing anyone could come up with. Liberals live by the creed that everything is racist and sunshine is a thing so naturally they are now outraged by daytime. The New York Times has proclaimed sunshine racist and more specifically the lack of shade for poor minorities. Apparently only rich white supremacists have access to shade and because they are raging bigots, they won’t share their sun blocking secrets with people of color.

The New York Times sounded the alarm with: ‘Turn Off the Sunshine’: Why Shade Is a Mark of Privilege in Los Angeles

Yes, only the most privileged white people in LA are able to stand in the shadow of something. No, really. That’s what NYT is trying to claim:

There is no end to the glittering emblems of privilege in this city. Teslas clog the freeways. Affluent families scramble for coveted spots in fancy kindergartens. And up in the hills of Bel-Air, where a sprawling estate just hit the market for a record $225 million, lush trees line the streets, providing welcome relief from punishing heat.

They say the sun has always been the draw of Los Angeles, but these days, shade is increasingly seen as a precious commodity, as the crises of climate change and inequality converge.

It’s not just the NYT that thinks only rich whites have access to shade, LA’s goofball mayor Eric Garcetti believes it to:

“Maybe you haven’t thought about it this way, but shade is an equity issue,” said Garcetti.

“Forget reparations, what we really need to do is get black people some shade” is the the most guilty white liberal thing anyone could ever say.

Drive across the vast space of Los Angeles and the point becomes clear. In wealthy neighborhoods like Bel-Air or Beverly Hills, spot the hulking trees lining canopied streets. In poorer neighborhoods like South Los Angeles, watch as the people waiting for the bus strain for some sliver of escape from the intense heat. They may find it in a small shadow cast by a stop sign, or under a shopkeeper’s awning, or even, sometimes, just from the shade of a person standing in front of them.

Angelenos high on the income ladder go everywhere in air-conditioned cars, leaving the city’s buses and baking sidewalks largely to those on the lower economic rungs.

I’m not rich nor am I a minority. I live in the Los Angeles area and somehow I’ve managed to find sufficient shade in the 27 years I’ve lived out here. I have this little trick I use by standing in the shadow of something like a building or tree. It’s a free system, which is obviously something liberals would be repulsed by.

LA’s mayor actually hired a shade expert named Rachel Malarich who will waste millions in taxpayer dollars to bring shade to minorities who can’t figure out how to find it themselves.

“These communities should have access to the same resources other communities have,” said Malarich.

Thankfully the NYT was able to blame this lack of shade for minorities on racist policing as well:

The lack of trees in some poorer communities is also connected to a history of abusive policing. For years, the city kept tree growth to a minimum in some neighborhoods because police officers were worried that trees could be places to stash drugs and guns.

In a piece about how sunshine is racist against minorities of course the liberal fake news NYT is going to say that cops are the reason why black people can’t get no shade.

If we want to get real here, sunshine is a lot more detrimental to white people. Black people can’t get sunburned the way white people do. People with less melanin in their skin are much more affected by the suns rays. If anything, sunshine is racist against white people, so where’s the liberal outrage over that?

It’s now cold and rainy in Southern California so we can obviously expect a follow up from the NYT about how racist rain is. Minorities can’t afford umbrellas and get wetter than white people somehow. Also, don’t even get me started on the towel inequity in this country.