Michael Bloomberg Wants To Register Guns Like We Register To Vote

Democrats are terrible with Constitutional rights and even worse with analogies. Anti-gun billionaire Micheal Bloomberg who is trying to buy his way into the 2020 democratic party nomination, unveiled his gun control plan today and it’s a bit strange. He says we should require permits for all gun owners and register those firearms the same way we register voters. Considering that registering to vote is free and anonymous, this isn’t the worst of his ideas.

Politico reports Bloomberg paid some people to come hear him speak in Colorado so he could announce his gun control plan. He wants to ban almost everything and thinks the 2nd Amendment has something to do with hunting, but this was the stand out point:

“Now I know critics will say that Americans shouldn’t need a permit to exercise their constitutional rights. But voting is a constitutional right, and we require people to register to protect the rights of all citizens, and this exactly the same idea because a criminal with a gun can destroy our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” said Bloomberg.

Are you sure about this, Bloomy? In most of the United States people can register to vote and exercise their voting rights without any valid form of ID. Does this mean under Bloomberg’s system we can make up a name and get a gun permit without proving who we are? And that we can buy guns with the same lack of proof? Like I said, this isn’t terrible.

In some states like California, people are automatically registered to vote so presumably that will be the case with gun permits as well. Turn 18 and the state will give you a concealed weapons permit. I actually like this a lot because currently in Cali it’s almost impossible to get a permit to carry a gun.

This gets even better because registering to vote requires no proficiency test, background check, or outrageous fee. Under Bloomberg’s plan any idiot can get a gun and it’s totally free.

Hell, even waiting periods will be a thing of the past. In a lot of places people can register to vote on election day and cast a ballot on the spot.

It’s possible that Bloomberg didn’t put a lot of thought into this plan and doesn’t actually want gun ownership to more accessible. He is the guy who banned Big Gulps, so he probably means making voting as restrictive as getting a gun.

Under Bloomberg’s vote control plan people will have to prove they are competent enough to vote, show two forms of ID, pass a background check, and pay a huge fee to be able to vote. Also, red flag laws will allow random weirdos to have people’s voting rights revoked. In addition, voting for “assault candidates” (Republicans) will be banned because nobody needs that kind of representation.

Democrats, and Michael Bloomberg specifically, have no tolerance for freedom and will never do anything to expand it. It’s guaranteed that Bloomberg isn’t talking about making it easier for people to exercise their Constitutional rights. He wants to do to voting what he did to sugary drinks.

Bloomberg failed miserably at comparing guns to voting which means he sucks at freedom and analogies. He also sucks at running for president and a good analogy would be comparing him to the Titanic: both are worth a lot of money and were doomed from the start. The only difference is, nobody will care when Bloomberg goes down.