Mayor Pete Suggests That Everybody Who Supports Trump Is A Racist

Now this will really lure back those white working-class voters disillusioned with the Democratic party…

Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is warming up for the Iowa caucuses by insulting at least 63 million Americans by suggesting that they are racists.

During a campaign swing through South Carolina where he is struggling to gain a foothold on the critical black vote, Mayor Pete commented on camera that anyone who supports President Trump is “at best” looking the other way on racism.

Buttigieg’s statement is reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s infamous “basket of deplorables” rant that trashed half of the country and energized Trump’s base in 2016; it was no small factor in her losing the election.

Via Yahoo News, “Buttigieg: Trump Supporters are ‘At Best Looking the Other Way on Racism’”:

South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg implied on Monday that supporters of President Trump tacitly support racism.

“Anyone who supported this President is, at best, looking the other way on racism,” Buttigieg said at a South Carolina campaign event.

This is not the first time that Buttigieg has made this comment. In August, the Mayor told CNN’s State of the Union that a vote for Trump in 2020 would mean ignoring racism in the U.S.

“Do you think that it’s a racist act to cast a vote for President Trump in 2020?” host Jake Tapper asked the candidate.

“Well, at best, it means looking the other way on racism,” Buttigieg responded. “Basically, what [Trump] is saying is, I want you to look the other way on racism.”

Buttigieg began this week a four-day campaign tour of North and South Carolina and Alabama, in a bid to reach out to black voters. The Mayor was polling at zero percent among black voters in South Carolina in November, which according to some reports was due to concern over his sexuality.

The media has been making a heavy push on behalf of Buttigieg as Joe Biden collapses under the weight of his own malarkey and the open socialism of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren is unlikely to sell beyond the comfort zones of the coastal elite.

With little alternative to the borderline senile and just plain nasty former vice president, it may be up to Buttigieg and the media spin doctors to package him as an “electable” alternative to the socialists.

The failure of California Senator Kamala Harris to present herself a legitimate 2020 candidate despite her compelling personal story along with her calling it quits has opened a lane to the nomination for Buttigieg.

However, he needs to get over his ongoing struggles to appeal to African-American voters which is going to be a tough rock to roll since even his own constituents distrust him as is evident by their reaction after a black South Bend man was shot by police this summer.

There is little that actually qualifies Mayor Pete for the presidency outside of the fact that he’s an open homosexual which certainly nails down the media and celebrity votes but running the country is a far cry from fixing potholes in a smallish middle-American college town.

Buttigieg is a truly nasty piece of work who hides behind his puckish small-town charm and military service to routinely denounce Christians with his sanctimonious lectures and judgmental jabs.

While it is highly unlikely that he can win the nomination, he would be at the top of Hillary’s list for VP if and when she swoops in to “rescue” the party.