Democrats Celebrate Sandy Hook Shooting Anniversary By Blaming GOP and NRA

Liberals hate all of the normal holidays like Christmas and Independence Day, but they do have an alternate set they celebrate. They throw abortion parties on Roe v. Wade Day and turn out in droves for the Che Guevara parade de communismo, but none is bigger than the anniversary of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. On this sacred day, liberals perform the annual ritual of exploiting dead children to push their unconstitutional gun control agenda while blaming Republicans and the NRA for the actions of lunatic killer.

On December 14, 2012 mentally unstable Adam Lanza killed his mother to steal her guns, which he took to the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newton, CT to murder 20 children and 6 school staff. In the 7 years since, not one single democrat has proposed a law that would stop crazy people from stealing guns and shooting up a school. Additionally, no evidence linking this shooting to the Republican Party or the National Rifle Association has ever been presented.

And yet, to celebrate this important liberal holiday, the democrats came out blaming the GOP and the NRA:

Plus half the Squad was on board:

And the 2020 democratic party candidates:

Liberals cap off their Sandy Hook shooting celebration by whacking the crap out of the Bill of Rights like a piñata and then blowing an effigy of Adam Lanza for gifting them such an emotionally-charged reason to exploit dead children to assault the 2nd Amendment.

Most of all, democrats use this day to remind themselves that law-abiding Americans should surrender their Constitutional rights because a mad man broke a bunch of existing laws.