Democrat Hopes Obama Gets ‘The Most Malignant Cancer Imaginable’

My how times have changed. Just 3 short years ago Barack Obama was the patron saint of the democratic party who could do no wrong. Now in 2019, the party has moved so far left that the whacko liberals think his whacko liberal policies are right-wing extremism. A democrat running for Congress in Texas is pissed at the former president over ObamaCare and hopes he gets incurable cancer. Apparently “criticizing Obama is racist” is no longer a rule.

Justin Snider is running for Congress in Texas. He had previously run and lost in the democratic primary in 2016, so this time around he’s trying to get a little more attention. This is what he came up with:

“I just want you to think about all the people who have and will die because Obamacare is pointless and your entire presidency was a waste,” wrote Snider.

So far so good, but then…

“If god was just you’d get the most malignant cancer imaginable,” finished Snider.

Damn, dude. Dial it back a couple clicks. I’m a conservative who was never a fan of Obama, but I never wished death or suffering upon him. Liberals have always been awful people, but now this insane hatred is mainstream democratic party doctrine.

Snider obviously deleted that cancer tweet, but he left this one up and doubled-down on the death wish:

Then Snider completely ripped Obama apart with this mini tweet storm:

Hey, at least he’s giving the human race 100 more years. AOC and Greta Thunberg have us dying off in the next decade or so.

This illustrates perfectly the problem democrats are going to have in defeating President Trump in 2020. A sizable portion of the party’s base is now so far left that the candidates have to move that way too if they want to get the democratic party nomination. In the general election however, most of America is not radically left and the eventual nominee is going to get massacred.

This is another reason why Joe Biden’s campaign is doomed. He was Obama’s VP, but the new generation of democrats view him and his former boss as anti-progressives. Biden is trying really hard to walk a line between “I have a black friend” and “I disagreed with Obama on a lot of issues.” He can’t have it both ways, but neither way is appealing to the new whacko leftist democratic party.

The biggest challenge for democrats is coming up with a message that resonates with a group of people who wish death upon anyone with even the slightest ideological differences. Justin Snider has it down, now we’ll just have to see how long before Elizabeth Warren changes her campaign slogan to: Vote for me or I’ll scalp you.”