Hillary Clinton Neglected To Report $1 Million Gift From Foreign Government As Secretary of State

If some low-level diplomat from Kazakstan has dinner at a Trump-owned property, liberals scream that the President is using his office to enrich himself. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton plumb forgot to mention that Qatar gave her family foundation a $1 million dollar gift while she was Secretary of State. Chances are this is small potatoes compared to her other corruption. Chances are also that she will never get in trouble for this outrageous act of corruption.

Here’s something that would a big news story if it didn’t involve Hillary Clinton. Reuters reports:

The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.

Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton’s husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta.

While this certainly seems like the criminal act of a corrupt government official, it is at the very least an ethics violation by a corrupt government official:

Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family’s globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.

If a new foreign government wished to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to “increase materially” its support of ongoing programs, Clinton promised that the State Department’s ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns.

The State Department said it had no record of Hillary informing then of this $1 million Qatari gift or any other foreign government “donations” to the Clinton Foundation during her tenure as Secretary of State. Obvisouly they are hiding their numbers, but the Clinton Foundation did brag that they hauled in $21 million in foreign donations to celebrate Bill’s birthday.

It gets even worse for Hillary because Clinton Foundation spokesman Brian Cookstra can’t account for how this million dollar gift was used by the Clintons. He would just say that it went to the organization’s “overall humanitarian work.” Since the Clinton Foundation doesn’t actually do humanity work or anything else, that clearly means the gift was used as a downpayment for one of the Clintons’ many mansions.

Here’s the funniest thing from the Reuters story:

The Clinton Foundation has said it would no longer accept money from foreign governments if Clinton is elected president and would spin off those programs that are dependent on foreign governments.

It’s becoming increasingly unlikely Hillary will ever be president, but way to keep the delusion alive.

Also, I’m calling bullshit. Hillary wouldn’t have stopped taking foreign donations if she had been elected president. The entire purpose of the Clinton Foundation is to launder money in the Clinton’s pay-to-play scheme. The entire purpose of Hillary running for president was to sell political favors. Since losing the 2016 election, donations to the Clinton Foundation have all but disappeared. That’s not a coincidence: no play, no pay.

When the Clintons left the White House in 2001 Hillary claimed they were “dead broke” but the reality was they were millions in debt because of Bill legal troubles. 14 years later they were worth $30 million despite neither of them having a job besides Hillary’s civil servant salary as a Senator and Secretary of State. Now we understand their remarkable financial turnaround.