Elizabeth Warren Accuses President Trump Of Stomping Kittens To Death

Apparently accusing Trump of being “worse than Hitler” isn’t polling well with the democratic party focus groups so they are trying out some new ways to characterize the President as an inhuman monster. Elizabeth Warren tried one out after the debate, accusing Trump of being someone who would stomp kittens to death. If that doesn’t catch on, word is the democrats are prepared to say Trump shoots puppies in the head.

Thursday’s democratic party debate was a such a dud that there was almost nothing worth mentioning. This highlight (lowlight) came during CNN’s debate after-party. Elizabeth Warren was asked why she thought President Trump wanted an investigation into Joe Biden and his crackhead son Hunter.

“Why do you think the president went to such extraordinary lengths to sully Joe Biden, the lengths that have landed him now in front of you as a juror under impeachment, why did he feel Biden was such a threatening candidate?” former Obama stooge David Axelrod asked.

“Look, I can’t get into the head of Donald Trump, that’s just, that’s a really horrible place to go. I think that Donald Trump looks out for Donald Trump, and he looks out for Donald Trump’s closest buddies who give him total loyalty, and he looks out for the other billionaires because he thinks they got a whole bro thing going on. That’s what Donald Trump does,” replied Warren.

Then came this:

“And if he had to step on a cute little kitten to get something done that would help himself, he would do it,” said Warren.

Do you get it? Trump is so evil and self-serving that he would even stomp cute little kittens to get what he wants.

But what would Elizabeth Warren do to get what she wants? Would she pretend to be an American Indian to advance her academic career? Would she lie about her past to get protect her political career? Would she brag about support from a sexual predator killer?

See, the difference is, Warren has done all of this stuff and more, while President Trump has never once stomped a kitten to death or even joked about it.

It’s surprising that the democrats didn’t include filicide (cat killing) as one of the articles of impeachment. Warren accusing Trump of being a kitten killer is a stronger case than the democrats presented for “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress.” Also, stomping a kitten to death is an actual crime, while the 2 articles of impeachment against Trump are not.

And like all things Trump gets accused of by the left, Obama is the one who really did it. For all 8 years of Obama’s presidency there was a USDA (part of his cabinet) program that infected kittens with a parasite. The kittens were left to suffer for weeks before being killed. Obama really did kill kittens and the fact that they were left to suffer makes it much more cruel than the instant death of a stomping.

Also, Trump never stomped kittens. You could metaphorically describe the way Trump dispatched Jeb Bush in the 2016 Republican primaries as “stomping a pussy” but that’s not what Warren was talking about.

It is the Def-Con News expert opinion that this “kitten stomping” line is the result of market research by the democratic party so expect to see it repeated by other politicians and liberal media pundits. They are hoping that if it is repeated enough times, that it will become fact. By the time the Iowa caucuses roll around, all of the candidates will be saying they need to defeat Donald Trump to save the lives of kittens.