Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, hope that you all have a great Christmas week.

Former NSA Director Cooperating With Probe Of Trump-Russia Investigation

Via The Intercept

Retired Admiral Michael Rogers, former director of the National Security Agency, has been cooperating with the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump presidential campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, according to four people familiar with Rogers’s participation.

Rogers has met the prosecutor leading the probe, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, on multiple occasions, according to two people familiar with Rogers’s cooperation. While the substance of those meetings is not clear, Rogers has cooperated voluntarily, several people with knowledge of the matter said.

Rogers, who retired in May 2018, did not respond to requests for comment.

Rogers’s voluntary participation, which has not been previously reported, makes him the first former intelligence director known to have been interviewed for the probe.

“He’s been very cooperative,” one former intelligence officer who has knowledge of Rogers’s meetings with the Justice Department said.

Politico and NBC News have previously reported that Durham intends to interview both former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. It is unclear if that has happened. Brennan and the Justice Department declined to comment. Clapper could not be reached for comment.

The Times reported on Thursday that Durham is examining Brennan’s congressional testimony and communications with a focus on what the former CIA director may have told other officials about his views on the so-called Steele dossier, a set of unverified allegations about links between Russia, Trump, and his campaign compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele.

Rogers is no stranger to the controversy surrounding the 2016 election. Shortly after Trump won the presidency, Rogers traveled to Trump Tower in New York, where he provided an unsolicited briefing to the then-president-elect. Rogers informed Trump that the NSA knew that the Russians interfered in the election, according to three people familiar with the briefing. Despite delivering what Rogers told a confidant was “bad news,” Trump would keep Rogers on as NSA director while dismissing Brennan and Clapper.

Read the entire article HERE.

Donald Trump Is An American Hero

Via American Greatness

Trump has made possible a revolution in conservative thought and principles. He has inspired a new generation of conservatives to assert themselves, to re-think old loyalties and allegiances, and most of all to repudiate the worthless conservatism that came before him.

After putting the nation through years of torment with the Russia collusion hoax, Democrats threw Robert Mueller into a shallow grave and pretended like the most covered news story of the decade never happened. No mea culpa, no self-reflection, they simply moved on to the next hit job. Not even the inspector general’s report, which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the FBI spied on an innocent man and destroyed his life, was enough to extract some measure of contrition.

“There are not many people who could have taken the punishment inflicted during this period,” the president wrote.

Who could deny this? Donald Trump has been through hell since the day he was elected, and yet he continues to fight the Left. That is what makes him great, and it’s something that his enemies—the timid souls who attack him on television nightly, the chickenhawk generals and know-nothing “experts”—could ever possibly understand.

Why in the world would someone who formerly enjoyed so much public adulation willingly allow himself to be made into a pariah by his former sycophants in politics and the media? Telling the truth is costly, and that is especially true today, when it can cost people their jobs and reputations. “Smart” people know the rules and they follow them. They parrot the pieties. Orange Man Bad, Russia, diversity is our strength, men can menstruate, cha-ching!

That is the real reason why they hate Trump. People who live for nothing but their careers and social status can’t understand why anyone would speak common sense when it comes at such a steep price. They hate and fear that there are still people with that kind of moral courage around—and they keenly feel the indictment of their own cowardice in it.

Worst of all, they hate that there are enough people in the voting public who had the audacity to put someone in the Oval Office who sympathizes with them instead of mouthing the “correct” platitudes of accepted elite opinion.

True, there’s a long way to go before America is “great again.” No, the Trump economy is not the greatest in American history, the border wall isn’t being built, and Trump has filled his administration with too many people with views contrary to his agenda if he wants to successfully “drain the swamp.” But the president has faced down relentless hostility—from corporate media, intelligence agencies, Democrats, Republicans, the foreign policy establishment, and so many others—with a fighting spirit that is genuinely heroic.

Read the entire article HERE.

CNN Pays Airports $100,000 Each to Play Fake News At Gates

Via Big League Politics

CNN has to pay major airports to try and gain viewers.

An investigation by Tucker Carlson Tonight has revealed that CNN is paying off more than fifty major airports throughout the United States to play their broadcasting to unsuspecting travelers at airline gates.

The network pays airlines around an average of $100,000 each to play the fake news, adding up to more than $6 million dollars in bribery. Such a use of network resources could be easily used to fund legitimate and newsworthy journalistic endeavors, but the network, under the leadership of Jeff Zucker, instead adopts an approach of merely paying to have its propaganda broadcast to non-consenting viewers.

Those who are enduring the often taxing experience of waiting around in an airport aren’t looking to be bombarded with a stream of fake news, but that doesn’t stop CNN from subjecting them to it.

Read the entire article HERE.

Election Year Hijacking: Big Tech Censorship Enters Dangerous New Phase

Via American Greatness

Do non-conforming voices have a prayer against Silicon Valley in November’s critical election? Before the cycle even begins, disturbing new developments show how conservatives and others already may have been marginalized by Big Tech behemoths.

Between press releases, congressional testimonies, and pending lawsuits, Google, Twitter, and Facebook echo over and over again the refrain that they aren’t biased against political opponents. Will repeating this lie often enough eventually convince the public it’s true?

Sadly, from experience, conservatives and others know the truth. Paper-thin rationalizations and all-too-convenient “mistakes” fail to mask these companies’ true intentions. Big Tech is looking to erase right-leaning voices, and it’s a threat we can’t afford to ignore.

In the latest troubling example, Google’s YouTube on December 12 took a sneaky step in the wrong direction, releasing new guidelines on “harassing” and “toxic” speech. If only its real aims were that innocent—both terms are actually coded language for speech the Left doesn’t like—meaning, of course, conservative.

Cracking down on whole channels (which can now be entirely yanked at will) as well as commenters for disallowed speech, the revisions rightfully have conservatives and others worried. Many have worked for years building a following and developing revenue channels, so millions are at stake. This is a pattern of censorship users have seen time and time again from Big Tech.

Not to be outdone, Facebook purged hundreds of pages during 2019, including those of influential right-wing voices like Milo Yiannopoulos and Paul Joseph Watson.

And then there’s Twitter, where a double standard on the issue of account moderating is equally biased. According to one study from Quillette, “of 22 prominent, politically active individuals who are known to have been suspended since 2005 and who expressed a preference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, 21 supported Donald Trump.”

As it consistently demonetizes and de-platforms conservative accounts, YouTube is certainly no better. For reasons that remain baffling, Dennis Prager’s PragerU channel—which features short, conservative educational videos on a variety of topics—has been placed into “restricted mode” and ruled inappropriate for younger audiences.

How have these tech overlords continued to get away with their blatant suppression of free speech? By twisting legal definitions to their advantage—a tactic with which they have substantial experience. In fact, Google currently is headed to the Supreme Court over that precise issue. In Google v. Oracle, the search engine company has tried to manipulate the legal definition of copyright in order to excuse its theft of intellectual property. After stealing numerous software packages from its competitor, Google argued that digital code isn’t actually protected under copyright.

Read the entire article HERE.

Immigration Will Dramatically Shift The Electoral College In Favor Of Democrats, Study Finds

Via The Daily Caller

A new analysis finds that immigration will dramatically reshape the Electoral College map in favor of the Democratic Party after completion of the 2020 U.S. Census.

Rising immigrant populations around the United States will result in several solidly Democratic states gaining more seats in the House of Representatives at the expense of solidly Republican states, a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) finds. The shift will ultimately give the Democratic Party more influence in the Electoral College map, according to CIS.

As the 2020 Census approaches, CIS conducted a study to predict what the Electoral College map will look like after the counting is done. Under current policy, all individuals are included in the population count, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Democratic states are expected to be bolstered with more congressional representation — thus giving them more influence in the Electoral College — thanks to their burgeoning immigrant populations.

All immigrant populations — including naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal aliens — and their American-born children will redistribute 26 House seats in 2020, the study predicts.

Read the entire article HERE.

Transgender Clinics Prey on Autistic Children Because They’re Easy to Manipulate, Disturbing New Research Finds

Via Natural News

Only a very small handful of media outlets – and none that are considered “mainstream” – are addressing the fact that children on the autism spectrum are being disproportionately targeted by the transgender lobby for “transition therapy” because of their abnormal mental states.

A group of experts who used to work in the field recently came forward with a stark warning to the public about how autistic children have basically become the LGBTQ mafia’s prey of choice because of how easily these little ones buy into transgender propaganda.

As many as one in four transgenders, believe it or not, now registers on the autism spectrum. According to a paper published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, this figure is “higher than the general population,” and the reason is because autistic children are more easily swayed to “go trans” when pressured by adults to do so.

A study out of the United States involving nearly 300,000 child participants also found that those diagnosed on the autism spectrum are more than four times likelier than their non-autistic counterparts to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria. This suggests that autistic children are the “target market,” so to speak, for transgender drugging and surgery.

Read the entire article HERE.

Dems To Congratulate Each Other On Meaningless Impeachment Vote With ‘I Voted To Impeach Trump’ Stickers

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

WASHINGTON, D.C.—House Democrats were feeling bad about the fact that impeachment isn’t going to accomplish anything, since the Senate will definitely acquit Donald Trump.

But then Nancy Pelosi got an idea: passing out “I Voted to Impeach Trump” stickers to every Democrat who votes for impeachment.

“It’s a kind of participation trophy, I guess,” she said at a press conference. “It’s not actually removing Trump from office that counts, but it’s the friends we made along the way. Friends like — well, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, and that other one. All great, great friends. So great.”

The stickers have no ramifications whatsoever on Trump or the government, but they make Dems feel good, sort of like the actual impeachment vote.

Check out all of the Bee’s great takes on politics and culture HERE.

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