Extra-Large Michael Moore Predicts Extra-Yuge Trump Victory In 2020

Back in 2016 every single liberal was preemptively celebrating Hillary Clinton’s presidency except Michael Moore. The rotund filmmaker tried to warn the left that Trump was going to win and he was 100% right. Perhaps a diet of Twinkies and ranch dressing give him super powers of prognostication or maybe he was the one liberal to pull his head out of his ass long enough to see the reality of the situation. Who knows? In any case, Moore is once again predicting that Trump will win big in 2020, which is yet another rock-solid indicator of 4 more years.

Moore did an interview with fascist Democracy Now! and told them things they didn’t want to hear.

“If the vote were today, I believe, he would win the electoral states that he would need, because, living out there, I will tell you, his level of support has not gone down one inch. In fact, I’d say it’s even more rabid than it was before, because they’re afraid now. They’re afraid he could lose, because they watched his behavior. So they are voracious in their appetite for Donald Trump. That’s the bad news,” said Moore.

The good news, according to Moore is that democrats still have a chance to stop Trump. They just have to become more whacko, more leftist, and tell white men to go f*ck themselves:

“We have to make sure we don’t give them another Hilary Clinton to vote for. The Democrats who are encouraging moderation, go to the center — you know, ‘Let’s not upset the angry white guys’ — that’s really what it is,” said Moore.

Bold strategy, Cotton Candy. Moore seems to think democrats can win the White House by alienating white men and moderate democrats. According to him, there is no center, you are either with his whacko leftists progressivism or you are the enemy.

“We will win when we put somebody on that ballot that excites the base — women, people of color, young people,” said Moore. “Will they come out and vote for a centrist, moderate candidate? I don’t think that is going to happen. They’re going to come out and vote for the fighter, for the person that shares their values.”

In other words, democrats will not win. Yet another solid Michael Moore prediction.

Moore went on to profess his undying love for Bernie Sanders, which makes this even funnier. He thinks that a thousand-year-old communist with heart condition is exciting to the majority of Americans and that Bernie would mop the floor with Trump.

If Bernie were somehow able to beat the DNC fix and become the democratic party nominee, Donald Trump would be looking at a near clean-sweep of the Electoral College. California might still go to the democrats, but most of the rest of the country is not voting for a socialist revolution and the destruction of the United States. Even liberal states like Illinois and New York would have a hard time voting for socialism.

It’s possible that Micheal Moore’s blind devotion to Sanders stems from his misunderstanding that Bernie is one of the guys from Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, because it’s insane to think this country is going to go commie. Even as full of shit as Moore is, he can’t possibly believe Sanders has a shot.

The bottom line however is that Moore has once again guaranteed a Trump victory. He’s become a big fat groundhog who pulls his head out of his feedbag of Cheetos every election cycle to predict 4 more years of MAGA.