Trump Hating Democrat Has Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer

God is intervening to do what voters won’t…

In a tragic bit of news, it has been announced that top Congressional Black Caucus Democrat and rabid Trump hater John Lewis has stage IV pancreatic cancer and may not be around for the next impeachment.

Lewis who has lived off of his civil rights era street cred for decades even after he became just another member of the corrupt Democrat political machine received the diagnosis although he will continue to serve in Congress for as long as he is physically able.

Rather than spend his remaining days in peace with his family, the 79-year-old Lewis will continue to poison Congress with his hatred of President Trump and his voters just like Elijah Cummings did until he passed away in October before seeing his impeachment dreams come true.

The news broke on Sunday and there will be the obligatory prolonged media lovefest until the day that his corpse lies in state in the Capitol rotunda while a weeklong funeral is crammed down the nation’s throats by a media what is little more than a propaganda arm of Lewis’s party.

It was Lewis who led the early stages of the Democrats’ spitting on the results of a legitimate election and 63 million voters when he made a big show out of protesting the incoming president’s inauguration back in January 2017 before Washington was swarmed by angry mobs wearing pink pussy hats.

Via Fox News, “Rep. John Lewis diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer”:

Georgia Rep. John Lewis, a longtime congressman and civil rights leader, announced Sunday he’s undergoing treatment for stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

Lewis, a Democrat who has represented Georgia’s 5th Congressional District for over 30 years, said doctors discovered the cancer during a routine visit.

“While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance,” Lewis said in a statement.

The gushing over this hateful and bigoted man who once marched with Martin Luther King Jr. only to reject the slain civil rights leader’s legacy in favor of bitterness and extreme partisan politics has already reached vomit-inducing levels…

They will all line up to slobber all over his casket when the time comes.

And according to unhinged hatemonger Spartacus:

Once again Booker is wrong, he won’t beat cancer and instead of devoting his remaining days to fighting democracy, he should spend that time getting right with God.

Like John McCain, he will battle Trump until his last dying breath.

The inevitable departure of Lewis who will join Cummings is the beginning of the gradual weaning out of the stuck in the 60s Democrats from positions of power. Whether it be bitter old blacks who can’t get over the civil rights era or old hippies and radicals who see taking down Trump as akin to sipping from the Watergate fountain of youth, this lamentable generation of one-time idealists gone to cynical rot is on its way out.

Unfortunately, the void that they are leaving will quickly be filled up with America-hating, Anti-semitic socialists like AOC and her Squad which will the true legacy of the old men and women of the Democratic party who clung to power until their final days.