Liberal Media To The Rescue As Trump Blames Obama For Financing Iran Missile Attack

Iran’s economy is and has been terrible. Former president Barack Obama gave Iran billions in cash. Iran had the funds to buy missiles and launch them at U.S. forces in Iraq. It’s hard not to draw a straight line between these things and President Trump did exactly that. In a speech about he recent Iranian attack, the President pointed out that Obama sending the terrorist nation pallets of cash helped them launch missiles at us. Luckily the liberal media is on the case and defending Obama against his legacy of ineptitude.

Iran launched 16 ballistic missiles at 2 U.S. military bases in Iraq Tuesday. Luckily there were no casualties and minimal damage. In statement Wednesday, President Trump pointed out this obvious thing:

“The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration,” said Trump.

Obama is still the patron saint of lefty crybabies so “Sleepy Eyes” Chuck Todd woke up from his stupor to vigorously defend the former president.

“I think it is notable at how ham-handedly the president tried to politicize this by blaming the previous administration for financing — you know, we’re glossing over that. The sitting president of the United States accusing, essentially, the previous president of helping to finance Iranian weapons is quite remarkable, that he’s willing to push the envelope like that with the office- with this office,” said Todd.

Telling the truth is being ham-handed? In Todd’s defense, he works for NBC so he’s probably unfamiliar with what the truth looks like.

“I mean, I guess at this point we shouldn’t be surprised that he does these things anymore. It’s still a remarkable thing that he actually did it,” Todd said.

No, it would be remarkable if Todd or any from NBC were objective or impartial journalists, but Trump laying down some facts is nothing new or out of the ordinary.

It wasn’t enough for Todd to defend Obama, he actually took Iran’s side against the President of the United States.

“They’re long-game thinkers,” said Todd about Iran. “We know that Donald Trump doesn’t think about anything more than a week in advance.”

We know that Chuck Todd only thinks the things his liberal overlords tell him to think.

So, Todd is hyperventilating and clutching his pearls that Trump blamed Obama for financing the Iran missile attack, but did you notice he doesn’t actually dispute the President? That’s because it’s 100% true. Chucky can be all bent out of shape and butthurt at Trump’s “tone” but he can’t disprove the President.

As part of Obama’s terrible nuclear deal with Iran, he sent them billions in cash on pallets. Iran didn’t use this money to benefit their people; they bought weapons. Missiles, by the way, are weapons. It’s a fair to say that Obama financed this attack because he gave literally tons of money to a cash-strapped hostile nation.

The next step for the liberal media is to “fact-check” the President and claim that what he said is factually true, but still rate it as false because…Obama. From there they will declare Trump racist for speaking the truth about “our first African American president” because that’s what they do.