AOC Calls Republican Racist For Accurately Portraying Her Support For Iran

Since the hostilities between the U.S. and Iran erupted, every single member of the democratic party and their propaganda machine in the liberal media have taken Iran’s side over America because…Trump. It doesn’t really matter why because the fact is democrats are siding with an enemy terrorist nation over the country they supposedly represent. Republican John Rutherford pointed this out and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez immediately pounced, accusing the Florida Rep. of racism. He should have known that using a woman of color’s own words against her is the most racist thing anyone could do.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal was one of the many democrats mourning the loss of Iranian terrorist general Qasem Soleimani at the business end of a U.S. Hellfire missile. Republican John Rutherford had enough of this Iran-loving garbage and called her out:

Jayapal hit back first with the accusations of racism:

So calling her an Ayatollah sympathizer when she sympathizes with the Ayatollah is racist? How does that work? Also, taking the side of Iran in a fight they picked with the U.S. isn’t speaking the truth, it’s treason.

If you notice in Rutherford’s tweet, he accuses Jayapal and her “squad” as being pro-Iranian and he just meant the rest of the America-hating democrats. AOC and her band of merry idiots call themselves “The Squad” so naturally she thought he was talking about her. This prompted more accusations of racism:

The other members of congress are not AOC’s “coworkers” they are her colleagues. Also, Rutherford was neither yelling or crying; he was simply pointing out a fact. “Strong women of color” in Congress don’t speak the truth, but they sure think the truth is racist.

Neither Jayapal nor Ocasio-Cortez actually tries to defend their Iran ass-kissing. That’s because as U.S. Representatives and American citizens it is indefensible that they are siding with a hostile enemy. Rather than justify their hatred of our country, they lash out at all critics as racist.

This is something AOC has perfected in her first year on the job. If you point out the factual inaccuracies of her insane claims, you’re a racist. If laugh at one of the many stupid things she says, you’re afraid of strong women of color and a racist. If you disagree with her whacko leftist ideas, you’re afraid of strong women of color, are a sexist and a racist.

AOC’s gender and ethnicity are the only 2 thing about her that aren’t offensive. It’s her bad ideas, insipid opinions, stupid statements, and constantly playing the victim that people don’t like about her. They criticize her substance, or lack of substance, not her her skin color and sex.