Democrats Finally Serve Up Impeachment Nothing Burger With A Side Of Lies

Over a month ago democrats in the House voted to impeach President Trump on 2 made up charges and then sat on the fact-free/crime-free articles. Today they finally decided to serve up their impeachment nothing burger by transmitting the articles to the Senate for a trail. Since their patty is made of 100% cow excrement it seems only fitting that it came with a side of lies.

In a press conference to announce the House democrats’ impeachment managers, both Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff misrepresented the articles of impeachment they are transmitting:

Don’t feel like you need to watch this whole thing. The basic gist is that both Nadler and Schiff accuse President Trump of “cheating” and trying to “rig the election” by committing “crimes” because he “broke the law” by withholding aide to Ukraine.

The actual articles of impeachment are for “obstruction of Congress” and “abuse of power.” The articles contain no claim of crimes committed, or trying to cheat or rig an election, or the breaking any law of any kind. The top two House impeachment managers are straight up lying about the articles they tasked with presenting.

And speaking of lying, here’s a lying Speaker:

That was Nancy Pelosi from the House floor misquoting the transcript of the telephone call between President Trump and Ukraine president Zelenksi. Trump said “do us a favor” as in the United States of American, he never said “do me a favor.” This is just like the time Adam Schiff made up dialog from the transcript and read it into the House record.

The democrats say they have a strong case for Trump’s removal from office, but sitting on the articles for a month and then laying about them when they are transmitted says otherwise.

Cocaine Moscow Mitch McConnell summed up the democrats weak case and BS beautifully with these tweets:

Good point, Mitch. The Senate Majority Leader however is forgetting one thing: democrats are delusional and live in a fantasy world where everything is true if they say it is. Unfortunately for them, this world only exists in the House where they have control. Now that the impeachment nothing burger has gone to the Republican-controlled Senate their side of lies don’t make a damn bit of difference.