Angry Women’s Marcher Lists All Of The Things She Wants To Fornicate

Saturday was the annual Women’s March in which hairy arm-pitted feminists, angry lesbians, and gender non-conforming weirdoes demand rights that they already have and rage against the fact that they are undatable. In Washington D.C. this kook with a fright wig and granny glasses listed off all of the things she wants to fornicate and unsurprisingly that didn’t include a man.

Meet Mona Eltahawy, a feminist writer and all around lunatic. She made this video at the Women’s March in D.C. in hopes of gaining sympathy for her cause. It didn’t work:

“F*ck the patriarchy,” started Eltahawy.

She then proceed to list all of the things she wants to f*ck.

“F*ck Donald Trump.”

I stand corrected, she does have a crush on a certain boy or two:

“F*ck Mike Pence.”

That’s a 3-way that will never happen.

“F*ck white supremacy, f*ck racism, f*ck misogyny, f*ck homophobia, f*ck transphobia, f*ck capitalism, f*ck classism, f*ck transphobia.”

Transphobia needed to get f*cked twice apparently.

“F*ck ableism, f*ck disamphobia.”

What in God’s name is disamphobia?

“F*ck anti-Semitism.”

She does know that the organizers of the Women’s March are the biggest anti-Semites this side of Ilhan Omar and “The Squad” right?

“F*ck every kind of bigotry out there.”

Including man-hating feminism?

Eltahawy got tired of f*cking things so she then explained her reason for existing:

“I’m here in front of the White House. I’m not here for polite protest because patriarchy is not polite. I am not here for quiet protest because the patriarchy is not quiet.”

Now back to the f*cking:

“F*ck the patriarchy in Washington D.C. F*ck the patriarchy in Cairo, Egypt where I am from.”

Oh damn, was that some Islamophobia? Did she forget she’s on the anti-Semitic side of things?

“F*ck the patriarchy across the world. F*ck the patriarchy in every time zone and f*ck the patriarchy in every universe,” Eltahawy concluded.

That last thing was the only part that made any sense. She, like all lefty kooks, is living in an alternate universe in which women in the United States are an oppressed people with less rights than men. Also in this skewed reality, that’s a good look.

Not that I would ever want to have a conversation with this woman, or anyone like her, but it would be interesting to find out what rights she thinks she is being denied in America. What is it that I, as a man, can do that she can’t? Pee standing up? Kill spiders? Open pickle jars? Those ain’t rights.

The catch-22 here is that Eltahawy is like this because she can’t attract a man but she can’t attract a man because she is like this.