Woke Mob Comes For Comrade Bernie Over Joe Rogan Endorsement

The rats are feasting on one another as the totalitarian Gay Gestapo and the “woke” Twitter mob is devouring one of their own.

Dyed in the wool communist Bernie Sanders is taking heavy fire from the Democrat establishment now that it’s apparent that he isn’t going away, he is able to command the loyalty of a devout army of freeloaders and freaks determined to bring about a socialist revolution as long as they can get free shit and punish their enemies by weaponizing the government and that he is going maul senile old Joe Biden.

Last week it was Hillary Clinton who ripped Comrade Bernie as somebody who nobody likes as well as a baloney peddler, the week prior it was Elizabeth Warren who accused him of sexism and even former President Barack Obamas is mulling a public condemnation of Sanders before his movement marches on Dear Leader’s $18 million waterfront estate in Martha’s Vineyard.

They all hate Bernie nearly as much as they hate Trump and are desperate to neutralize him before he cuts a socialist swath across America all the way to Super Tuesday.

The latest avenue of attack on Bernie comes after he was endorsed by hugely popular podcast host Joe Rogan whose “Joe Rogan Experience” features extended interviews with non-establishment figures and dares to challenge the totalitarian orthodoxy of the cult of the woke and the cancel culture.

The comedian came out in favor of Sanders who he hosted on his show last week and the man who is leading an unthinkable assault on capitalist institutions graciously accepted.

And the fallout was immediate and of nuclear intensity, especially from LGBT activist organizations who have forced their views on Americans and brook no dissent or they will destroy you.

This vicious little homosexual prick was quick to slam Bernie and to wail that “Joe Rogan fucking sucks” in yet another example of the degradation of the English language perpetrated by foul-mouthed extremists who are emboldened by social media.

And he wasn’t the only one going for Bernie’s balls:

The libertarian-leaning Rogan’s sin? He is insufficiently deferential to transgenders and GASP – has dared to suggest that there are only two genders and has dared to offer a platform for those with different viewpoints than those who are hellbent at destroying free speech in America.

In a sign of how quickly that the zealots on the far-left will eat their own, it was demanded that Bernie reject Rogan’s endorsement and fall into line and leading the way were fascistic Democrat establishment front groups like MoveOn.org.

Via The Hill, “MoveOn calls on Sanders to renounce Joe Rogan endorsement”:

Progressive group MoveOn called on Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to renounce the presidential endorsement of popular podcaster and comedian Joe Rogan.

The group, which endorsed Sanders in 2016 and is fueled by many of the same progressive activists who have backed the Vermont senator’s White House bid, called on Sanders to reject the endorsement over Rogan’s past discriminatory comments.

“It’s one thing for Joe Rogan to endorse a candidate. It’s another for @BernieSanders’ campaign to produce a video bolstering the endorsement of someone known for promoting transphobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism and misogyny,” MoveOn tweeted Saturday.

“We urge Sen. Sanders and his campaign to apologize and stop elevating this endorsement. We stand in solidarity with folks hurt by this.”

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) also called on Sanders to renounce Rogan’s endorsement, specifically citing Rogan’s past comments.

“Bernie Sanders has run a campaign unabashedly supportive of the rights of LGBTQ people. Rogan, however, has attacked transgender people, gay men, women, people of color and countless marginalized groups at every opportunity,” said HRC President Alphonso David. “Given Rogan’s comments, it is disappointing that the Sanders campaign has accepted and promoted the endorsement.”

Rogan whose show features generous helpings of profanity, dope-smoking, drinking and very deep dives into topics that are too hot for the mainstream media to touch has hosted a wide variety of guests including Tulsi Gabbard, Bari Weiss of the New York Times, Alex Jones, Milo Yiannapoulos, Bill Maher, Dan Crenshaw, Roseanne Barr and Van Halen’s David Lee Roth among his eclectic selection.

He is also no fan of Hillary and infuriated her followers by once musing over who would pay for a blowjob from the biggest sore loser in U.S. political history.

Rogan made it clear what he thinks about the rest of the Democrats who according to Rogan, practically begged to come on the podcast only to be rejected which he admitted during a recent show with leftist comic Jimmy Dore:

JR: They all keep asking to be on my show; I’ve had requests from all of them: Biden, Warren, Mayor Pete

JD: How do you resist

JR: …I’d rather talk to my friends. I like Tulsi & I like Bernie, that’s it. Everybody else can eat shit.

For now, Sanders is refusing to buckle and his campaign issued the following statement:

“The goal of our campaign is to build a multi-racial, multi-generational movement that is large enough to defeat Donald Trump and the powerful special interests whose greed and corruption is the root cause of the outrageous inequality in America”

“Sharing a big tent requires including those who do not share every one of our beliefs, while always making clear that we will never compromise our values,” the statement continued. “The truth is that standing together in solidarity, we share the values of love and respect that will move us in the direction of a more humane, more equal world.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden who would probably suck an untold number of dicks himself if it boosted him in Iowa was quick to pounce and in doing so, underscored one of the Democratic party’s most fundamental weakness in pandering to a minuscule percentage of the population that wields enormous power – the sexual degenerate transgender demographic who can best be described as mentally ill perverts and insecure freaks who just can’t own up to their homosexuality.

With other 2020 Dems including Joe Biden pouncing on Sanders, it is going to be a major test of his candidacy as to whether he caves like he did at the first sign of adversity back in 2016 when he sold his flock down the river and endorsed Hillary.

Rogan admires Bernie’s consistency but the only things consistent about the braying old bastard are his admiration for communism and his lack of a spine when confronted.

But Bernie has reaped what he has sown as Rep. Dan Crenshaw points out:

It won’t save him from the mob that he had done so much to agitate with his divisive race-baiting and identity politics for his demagoguery in true Marxist style.

Granted that Joe Rogan isn’t for everyone but he makes for more compelling discussion than just about anyone else out there primarily because he couldn’t give a flying fuck about the cultural jihadist crybabies who like ISIS and the Taliban, are waging a war western civilization.

His interview of Alex Jones was epic and came at a time when the bombastic Infowars.com host was de-platformed in a unified effort by the Silicon Valley tech giants who have declared war on free speech.