Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Groan, it’s already Monday again…

Bernie Owes Obama Big Time: Democrat’s Marxist coming-out party happened too soon for America

Via American Greatness

Those who are surprised by Bernie Sanders’ power in the Democrat primaries of 2016 and 2020 have not been paying attention. The self-styled “democratic socialist” from Vermont has inherited what President Obama sowed. Sanders is riding a wave of well-funded and highly trained young Marxists weaponized by President Obama. It is Obama’s hard work that allowed Bernie to jump from fringe character to viable presidential candidate.

These 21st-century progressives are not the loser SDS-types familiar to Baby Boomers. They know all about power. They are fundraising juggernauts on social media. Democratic candidates cater to them or drop out.

They foisted the “resistance” on traditional liberal Democrats. After Trump’s inauguration, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) were talking about working with the president. Hordes of activists descended on them, threatening their positions and threatening their homes.

The growing power of the hard Left within the Democratic Party’s ranks is not new. It is not the result of Trump derangement. It is the cause of Trump derangement.

Progressives punch way above their weight class, first writing the regulations as government bureaucrats and then using threats of lawsuits to control corporations and colleges. They write the federal and state regulations that require racial and gender quotas. They run the human resources departments to enforce compliance. Activists invade and intimidate boardrooms (one of the things Obama led and taught as a community organizer) insisting corporations adopt woke policies by accusing them of racism, homophobia, and misogyny, and threatening lawsuits.

They insinuated themselves into teacher’s colleges, the writing of textbooks, government education policy, and setting college entrance exams so effectively that progressive brainwashing and public shaming is the new normal in our public schools and colleges. Two generations of kids have been raised on progressive’s anti-American stew of envy, grievance, and bullying tactics.

That’s why Sanders, with the backing of Millennial leftists, is eating Joe Biden’s lunch.

There is a reason the radical Left achieved a tipping point during Barack Obama’s tenure. Obama had eight years to use the full power of the presidency as a community organizer.

Read the entire article HERE.

Mayor Pete unmasked as a Bernie Sanders-socialist sympathizer

Via The American Thinker

The word is finally starting to get out about Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the fresh faced, suddenly “surging” Democrat presidential contender who is poised to do well in Tuesday’s first in the nation New Hampshire primary. Just as I suspected, however, first impressions can be deceiving: Mayor Pete is in effect morphing into Obama 2.0 – another questionable cut-out figure posing as a moderate who in reality is a socialist at best and most likely a full-blown Marxist communist sympathizer.

Much is made of Buttigieg’s initial claim to fame, exactly 20 years ago when he was a high school senior in South Bend, Indiana. His essay was selected as the best one out of 600 to be submitted in 2000 to the annual prestigious John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage essay contest sponsored by the JFK Presidential Library and Museum in Boston. Few MSM reports, however, have noted the subject or content of the young Buttigieg’s 1,100-word essay. The title says it all: “Bernie Sanders.” Sanders, it turns out, was Buttigieg’s favorite political profile in courage.

In 2000, Bernie Sanders was in his fifth term as the sole member of the House of Representatives from the state of Vermont. He was an obscure backbencher who identified himself as an “Independent” and a “Socialist.” According to the Washington Post, Sanders was the fifth socialist to serve in the House, the last one having left in 1929. In 2007, Sanders would be elected to the United States Senate and after another eight years on the sidelines, the rest, as they say, is history.

Read the entire article HERE.

BUSTED: Mike Pompeo Says He Has List of American Governors Listed as ‘Friendly’ by Communist China

Via PJ Media

In a shocking speech in front of the National Governors Association, Secretary Mike Pompeo revealed that he is in possession of a list of American governors who have been listed as “friendly” by Chinese Communist infiltrators.

Pompeo said he received an invitation from a former governor to attend a networking event that promised great “deal-making” opportunities with the Chinese government. This networking event was run by “The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship in Foreign Countries,” said Pompeo. But what the participants might not have known is that “the group is the public face of the Chinese Communist party’s official foreign influence agency, the United Front Work Department.” Pompeo knew of this connection from his time at the CIA.

He questioned the governors on how many of them knew that this group was a communist front group. “What if you made a new friend while you were at that event?” he asked. “What if your new friend offered to invest big money in your state, perhaps in your pension, an industry sensitive to our national security?”

And then he dropped a huge bomb on the crowd. “These aren’t hypotheticals,” he continued. “Last year a Chinese government-backed think tank in Beijing produced a report that assessed all fifty of America’s governors on their attitudes toward China. They labeled each of you friendly, hardline, or ambiguous.” Pompeo continued, “I’ll let you decide where you think you belong, someone in China already has. Many of you, indeed, in that report, are referenced by name.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Obama-Produced Film Wins Oscar, Producer Quotes Communist Manifesto In Acceptance Speech. Obama Praises

Via The Daily Wire

The first Netflix film produced by former President Obama and Michelle Obama‘s production company won an award on Sunday during the Oscars and, while accepting the award, the filmmakers recited Karl Marx’s Communist manifesto.

Julia Reichert of “American Factory” received the award and said: “Working people have it harder and harder these days – and we believe that things will get better when workers of the world unite.”

The term “workers of the world unite,” comes directly from the communist manifesto and was widely noticed by media critics.

Read the entire article HERE.

Nation’s Wealthy, Privileged Gather To Lecture Nation On Evils Of Wealth, Privilege

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

HOLLYWOOD, CA—According to sources at the 91st annual Academy Awards ceremony this evening, the nation’s wealthy, privileged elite gathered to lecture the nation on the horrendous evils of wealth and privilege.

The wealthiest 0.00001% of the nation arrived at the exclusive, walled-off, high-security event in limos and luxury cars driven by servants in order to spend a few hours telling the nation’s poor and middle-class citizens how they need to throw off the yoke of oppression put on them by the wealthy elite.

“It’s the white, privileged, wealth hoarders that are ruining America,” said one white, privileged man whose net worth is estimated at $160 million. “All you people in the cheap seats at home: you need to do better.”

“America is just a terrible nation with no opportunity,” said one woman who made $100 million wearing costumes and reading words someone else wrote off a page. “We must stop the 1% from hoarding all the wealth.” Upon being informed she was well within the 1%, she clarified that it was actually the 0.000001% who are the problem.

Unfortunately, it looks like the event will proceed as planned next year as well.

Check out all of the Bee’s great takes on politics and culture HERE.

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