Rich Actress Wants Bernie’s Commie Revolution So She Doesn’t Have To Get By On Crumbs Anymore

Sex in the City actress Cynthia Nixon is reportedly worth $25 million, but she thinks that ain’t enough. While rallying for Bernie Sanders she complained that she’s tired of living off crumbs and wants a communist revolution so she can have the whole damn pie. This woman is extremely wealthy but thinks she’s entitled to more and that “more” should come from other people. She’s going to be sorely disappointed with actual socialism when she realizes it’s her fortune that will be seized and redistributed to others.

Nixon appeared at a Bernie rally in New Hampshire to prove that everyone who likes socialism is an idiot:

“I have to tell you that because of Bernie Sanders and because of what he has spent his life doing and how he has changed this country in the last four years, he has taught me and he has taught us as a country what we can ask for,” started Nixon.

This is a technically true statement. Bernie Sanders has never had a real job in his life and has spent his time mooching off of taxpayers as a politician who does nothing and deserves less. He has taken this lifetime of leeching and inspired similarly useless people to beg for government handouts financed by productive people. I don’t think this is something to brag about, but leftists have a different set of values than me.

Here’s where the 25 Million Dollar Woman goes for the kill:

“We have made due with crumbs for so long and Bernie has said, ‘Hey, we’re starving in this country. We can’t subsist on these crumbs any longer. Why can’t we demand the whole pie?’” Nixon said.

Bernie himself is a multi-millionaire who owns 3 mansions and he can demand whatever he wants. It doesn’t mean he’ll get it or not come off like a raging hypocrite. Same goes for Nixon who has more than most hard working people will ever have in 10 lifetimes.

Are there really people stupid enough to buy into this garbage? I guess so, Bernie the wealthy socialist is now the democratic party frontrunner.

Nixon finished up by making a bold, er I mean busllhit, promise.

“And that’s what we’re going to get when Bernie Sanders is the next president,” said Nixon.

A socialist is never going to be President of the United States, but just for fun let’s say Bernie somehow lucks into it; he’s still only a president and not the supreme dictator. He would still have to get all of his communist revolution crap through the Congress and that’s simply not going to happen.

As for Cynthia Nixon, she might want to reevaluate her support for unfettered socialism as a wealthy individual. When the commies take over, they don’t rob from the workers and give the money to wealthy washed-up actresses, they confiscate all the money and then it just disappears. Right now she can afford to hire 5-star chefs to cater her dinner parties but under socialism she’ll be standing in line for days to get her hands on some crumbs.