Angry Mom Shannon Watts Warns About ‘Unintentional Gun Violence’

Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts blamed President Trump for killing 100,000 people during his first term, which is crazy enough but she also coined the term “unintentional gun violence.” What the hell us that? Does she mean accidents involving guns? If so, that’s not violence; it’s accidents. If I stub my toe on the coffee table, is that unintentional coffee table violence? And if so, are the democrats prepared to ban coffee tables to save people from the scourge of stubbed toes? Probably not because everyone knows that democrats are in the pockets of the powerful coffee table lobby.

As Def-Con News reported earlier, democrats celebrated the 2nd Anniversary of the Parkland, Florida school shooting by declaring it “F*ck the 2nd Amendment Day.” You know founder of the faux grassroots anti-gun group Moms Demand Action Shannon Watts was all in. Here’s her Trump-blaming contribution to the new gun control holiday:

The first thing you may notice is that Watts is blaming President Trump for at least 100,00 deaths, which is weird since he’s the most law and order POTUS this country has ever seen. She tries to bolster this lie by claiming that Trump, a self-made billionaire, is somehow beholden to the financial assistance of the NRA. If Trump smoked, he would light his cigars with the NRA money, but since he doesn’t he probably lines his bird cage with that cash that is nothing compared to his own personal fortune.

The term “gun violence” is stupid because it indicates that guns, and not people, are responsible. Violence is violence and it doesn’t matter if it involves, guns, knives, or chainsaws. Watts goes off the deep end with her list of “gun violence” crimes that she blames on President Trump.

At first glance, it looks like she’s actually saying 100,000 people have died in mass shootings since Trump took office. For the record, the number isn’t even 100 let alone 100,00 and Trump had nothing to do with it.

Next she throws out “daily gun violence” which is another way of saying criminals committing crimes. The gun-related violence that racks up the actual homicide numbers is perpetrated by people who can’t legally own guns and who have illegally acquired firearms. Banning law-abiding people from owning guns will never put a dent in criminal scumbags breaking the law.

Then Watts comes up with a completely new bullshit term: unintentional gun violence. This is off course accidental shootings, which doesn’t come close to being acts of violence. Hunting accidents and accidental discharges are tragic, but definitely not violence and there is no gun control law that can stop carelessness and stupidity. If there were a law that could stop stupidity, Watts and every liberals in the country would be locked up for life.

Finally, Watts claims that “gun suicides” are violence. Again, what difference does it make that someone commits suicide with a gun and how does that qualify as violence? Suicide is self-inflicted and it is impossible for a person to commit violence against his or her self.

As dumb as this tweet is, the absolute most idiotic part about it is Watts claiming that President Trump has blocked gun legislation. Maybe she doesn’t follow the news, but Trump has never vetoed a gun bill ever. He’s the President of the United States, not a Representative or Senator. He doesn’t propose, vote for, or pass laws. He simply signs legislation passed by Congress and so far no gun control bill has come across his desk.

Watts is trying to put “unintentional gun violence” into the national consciousness to demonize legal gun ownership and strip us of our Constitutional rights. That’s not a thing but her intentional stupidity is and it’s a much bigger threat to this nation than exercising a protected God-given right.