Liberal Threat Alert: Guns That Fire When The Trigger Is Pulled Are Deadlier

Liberals believe that if a gun is black or looks like a military weapon that they are somehow deadlier. They think that plastic accessories on a firearm increase the lethality. They have now identified a new scourge that makes an ordinary gun a weapon of mass destruction. Apparently they newest liberal threat is from guns that fire when the trigger is pulled. I’m not making this up. The left is frantic over this recent innovation in deadly firearms technology.

A Capitol Police officer left his gun unattended in a bathroom and Bridget Bowman went into hysterics:

We are all f*cking doomed!!! A gun that fires when the trigger is pulled? What sort of demon would design a weapon with this kind of killing capabilities?

The idea this gun-ignorant reporter is trying to promote is that guns that fire when the trigger is pulled are more danger than other guns. More than a few people on Twitter pointed out that all guns fire when the trigger is pulled, but none did it better than Donald Trump Jr.

For her part, Bowman tried to make it sound like she is less stupid than she really is:

In fact she tried to make this clear several times, because it was such a stupid thing to say.

Okay, Glocks don’t have safeties, so what? Guns that do have a safeties aren’t any less lethal, especially if the safety isn’t engaged. It’s ridiculous to suggest that finding a Glock in a bathroom is any more “concerning” than finding a gun equipped with a safety. They all go BANG when you pull the trigger.

The next thing liberals are going to warn about is about those terrifying super-guns that have sights allowing maniacs to target their victims. Or the deadlier guns with rifled barrels that improve the accuracy. Shit I heard about this type of gun that is literally capable of firing when a round has been chambered. I think it’s safe to say that the NRA is behind all of this high-tech mayhem and that our Founding Fathers could have never imagined such deadly weapons.

Obviously Bowman is taking a lot of crap over this, but I’m a positive kind of guy and I’d like to give her a little praise. She is the first gun-hating liberal in recorded history to acknowledge that guns require some outside stimulus to fire. Normally liberals think that guns “just go off” on their own or that guns, and not people, do the killing. What Bowman wrote was profoundly stupid, but she has taken an important first step towards gun literacy.