New Poll Proves Americans Don’t Care About Any Of The Leftist Crap Democrats Are Running On

The collection of far-left lunatics known as the democratic party have a unified message of socialism, gun control, abortions for all, get Trump, and America is racist. In what has to spell even more bad news for their prospects at defeating the President in November, a new poll shows that most Americans don’t give a rat’s ass about anything the democrats are running on. They’ll do a focus group to find the best term to impeach Trump on, but can’t be bothered to look at the actual wants and needs of the American people. This will end badly for them.

Pew Research released a new poll showing the issues Americans find the most important and not one damn thing the democrats are running made the top of the list or even the middle of the list. Just in case any democrat out there is interested, here are the things Americans care most about in order:

1. Terrorism
2. Economy
3. Health care costs

Democrats could claim that people care about their socialized medicine nonsense with this coming in at #3, but notice how it shows that people are concerned about the cost of health care? You know, that stuff that used to be affordable before the democrats “fixed it” with Obamacare. This is not an issue that people feel comfortable with giving the democrats another crack at it.

4. Education
5. Environment

Again, democrats can claim this, but they’d be wrong. People want clean air and water, not the socialist take-over of the country with the Green New Deal.

6. Social Security
7. Poor and needy

Considering the obscene homeless crisis in cities run by democrats, they can’t plant their flag into this one either as a winning issue.

8. Crime
9. Immigration
10. Budget deficit
11. Climate change

Hey, the dems finally got an issue they are running on at #11. Still, only 52% of the people think this is an important thing.

12. Drug addiction
13. Infrastructure
14. Jobs
15. Military
16. Gun policy

Democrats claim there is a gun violence emergency in this country that is the most pressing issue of our time. The American people say, “M’eh.”

17. Race relations

Democrats claim America is the most racist place on the planet and that the only way to save the country is by eliminating systemic racism. The American people say, “not really.”

18. Global trade.

Conspicuously missing from this list are several democratic party hot button issues like:

Destroying capitalism
Destroying Christianity
Free college
Free tampons
Hating whitey
Raising taxes
Replacing capitalism with communism
Removing a duly-elected President from office
Transgender bathroom habits/sport participation

The democrats aren’t strong on any issue in the top 10 concerns of Americans and 99% percent of their platform is made up of stuff people literally don’t care about. The democrats who are running for a chance to take on Trump are already a group of unelectable losers, but the fact that they are all running on crap nobody cares about spells super-doom for them in November.