Good Gravy! Democrats Believe Banning Meat Will Win Them The White House

I now understand why the DNC banned a democratic party debate on global warming. CNN hosted a marathon global warming town hall with the top ten democrats and it was frighteningly embarrassing for the party. The candidates all have plans to fight something that doesn’t exist that involve banning just about everything Americans like. One of those things is meat and nearly all of the candidates have a plan to abolish it. Tom Perez and the DNC understand that you don’t win the White House with a promise of no more meat, but none of the 2020 candidates get it.

During Wednesday’s 7-hour global warming town hall on CNN, all of the democratic candidates vowed to outlaw meat. Here’s a fun video of the 2020 dems, plus AOC, talking about how they would stop you from eating meat in the name of fighting make-believe global warming:

Some of the dems want to severely restrict our meat consumption, but it looks like Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg want to outright ban meat. Bernie Sanders favors a meat tax to limit our access to meat, but he also favors banning “factory farming” so he’s all for a total meat ban too.

Here’s the thing about me: I’m a single issue voter. I vote for the candidate who I think respects the 2nd Amendment and will best defend my right to keep an bear arms. I’ve never had to think about this before today, but I will now also vote for the person who doesn’t want to strip me of my ability to eat meat.

If a candidate says, “Hey, I’m going to ban meat to fight global warming” I don’t give a flying fart whatever that politician’s position is on any other issue. I’m not voting for that asshole.

I’m curious to see how this meat ban platform is going to fly in Middle America. Hell, even people on the liberal coasts love eating meat. This is such a universally bad position for the democrats to take, but if they had good ideas they wouldn’t be democrats.

Hillary Clinton lost the White House in 2016 because she was un-relatable and couldn’t connect with average Americans. Learning nothing from that debacle, democrats are going with a “no bacon or tri-tip” kind of thing.

This meat ban is on top of the democrats running on socialism, higher taxes, less freedom, and open boarders. This is a group of people who live in a liberal bubble and have no idea what most Americans want or care about.

Really, what voting bloc are they trying to appeal to with this crap? Smelly hippies? Black people eat meat. Muslims eat meat, though not pork. Illegal aliens eat meat. LGBTers eat meat (no pun intended). This is almost as bad as if democrats were vowing to ban oxygen.

The only thing I can conclude from this is that democrats do not want to win in 2020. If they were truly interested in winning the White House they would be talking about creating jobs and expanding freedom. Instead they are promising no more cheeseburgers for anyone. Good luck with that, morons.

When the democrats come for me, I’m going out in a blaze of glory. After the smoke clears they will find a gun in my right hand and a pastrami sandwich in my left.