Elizabeth Warren Says All Women Of Color Have Been Slammed Into Walls By Cops

With Elizabeth Warren slipping in the polls like Joe Biden, she’s also slipping into a Joe Biden-like lack of coherence. At a small gathering in Nevada, Warren told people that all women of color have been slammed into a wall by a police officer. This is obviously not true but that doesn’t matter to Warren because she says when she’s president, she will put an immediate end to police officers slamming women of color against walls. How will she end something that isn’t even happening? That also doesn’t matter because she’ll never be president to demonstrate this.

I’m not even sure this is a campaign stop because it seems more like a 12-step program meeting. Perhaps Cultural Appropriators Anonymous. The good news is Warren has finally admitted that she isn’t an Indiana princess.

“I get it. I am not a woman of color,” started Warren.

Good, Liz. Good. Now she must make amends.

Warren then said something that I can’t quite make out. After watching the video a dozen times I think she said, “I never got thrown cross a thib.” I have no idea what that means so let’s move on to Warren confronting her white privilege.

“I have the privilege of never having been slammed into the wall by a police officer,” Warren said.

There’s a lot to unpack here. Warren is saying that white privilege means not getting slammed into a wall by cop, which indicates Warren believes no white people have ever been arrested for anything ever. I think the FBI statistics will tell a different story.

She also indicates that getting slammed into a wall by a police office is a shared experience for all women of color, or in other words all minority women have been arrested. Again, the FBI stats are not going to back this up, but it is pretty damn racist of Warren to say. Even Micheal Bloomberg only said all crime was committed by black people, not that all black people are criminals. Here Warren is saying that all women of color are criminals.

Sure that’s racist AF, but Warren is going to do something about it, goddamnit!

‘But I tell you this: I listen to people who have. I listen and I say when I’m President of the United States, that is not going to happen,” said Warren.

Warren pumped her fist and the other members of the 12-step program applauded. Presumably she’ll be getting a chip.

Warren has made some insane campaign promises like have a mostly-tranny cabinet, but this is the craziest yet. She’s guaranteeing to put a stop to cops arresting women of color, which in a way is telling female minorities they will be above the law if she’s the Prez. This is not a power the POTUS has and if Warren tried to administer it through executive action it will get shot down by the courts before the ink is dry.

Warren should try promising something she could actually deliver on. Promise to be annoying and insipid. Promise to continue doing that chicken thing with her her neck. Promise to keep the 8-year-old boy’s hair cut. She’s never going to be president, but if by some miracle she did, she’d never get all that commie “free” stuff passed and she certainly would be able to stop police from arresting women of color who have broken the law.

In the meantime, let’s sit back and watch the liberal media ignore the fact that Warren said all women of color are criminals.