Democrat Candidate Julian Castro Wants Taxpayer-Funded Abortions For Men

If there’s one group of people who would never need an abortion its men. Even if they put on a dress and call themselves Jennifer, they still have male plumbing and can never get pregnant, which is the only prerequisite for an abortion. Democratic Party candidate Julian Castro not only thinks men can get pregnant, but also feels like the American taxpayer should pay for these dudes’ abortions. Technically this will never cost us a dime, but it doesn’t make it non-stupid.

Wednesday night was the Democratic Party’s bench-warmer 2020 candidate debate. It was pretty much a group of people you’ve never heard of arguing about how much further left they are than each other. At one point Beto O’Rourke started speaking Spanish for no apparent reason, but for the most part it was the political equivalent of roofies: it put you to sleep and chances are one of these democrats is going to f*ck you against your will.

President Trump summed up the debates like this:

While Trump was generally right in his assessment of the debates, there was this moment:

Former Obama administration douchebag Julian Castro was trying to differentiate his free-abortions-for-all plan from the other democrats free-abortions-for-all plans. Castro was asked if his plan would cover free abortions.

“Yes it would. I don’t only believe in reproductive freedom, I believe in reproductive justice,” said Castro.

The crowd went wild over this answer despite he fact that it makes no sense. Killing babies, which is what abortion really is, is the exact opposite of reproduction. It’s not reproductive freedom or justice to obliterate the reproduction process, but whatever.

Speaking of shit that makes no sense…

“And what the means is just because a woman, or let’s also not forget someone in the trans community, a trans female, is poor doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the right to exercise the right to choose,” said Castro.

A “trans female” is a biological male who is pretending to be a female. The “right to choose” means having an abortion. Julian Castro just said that just because a biological male is poor doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be able to get an abortion. It’s not the man’s economic status that prevents him from getting an abortion, it’s his lack of a uterus that does that.

This of course was in the context of Castro’s health care plan that would provide publicly funded abortions for everyone. That’s bad, but the fact that Castro says even men can get abortions makes it completely f*cking insane.

I can’t wait for his campaign ad: “Hi, I’m Julian Castro. I think men can get pregnant and I want to be your president.”

Democrats don’t know a damn thing about guns and that disqualifies them from talking about regulating their use. It turns out they don’t even know how basic human reproduction works, so why the hell do they get an opinion on abortion?

The sad thing is, Castro got major applause for pushing taxpayer-funded abortions for men. The only people dumber than democrats are the idiots who vote for them.