Al Sharpton And Jesse Jackson Defend Bernie Sanders’ Socialism

Deep-pockets Micheal Bloomberg is the one buying endorsements and Crazy Joe Biden is the one who claims black people love rubbing his hairy legs, but it’s elderly socialist kook Bernie Sanders getting the nod from the veteran race-hustlers brigade. Both Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have publicly defended Bernie’s communism, which is also presumably endorsements from these two shameless conmen. I wonder what Bernie promised them, because neither Sharpton nor Jackson do anything for free.

First here’s a piece Jesse Jackson wrote for the Chicago Sun-Times shaming anyone who thinks Bernie is a socialist, even though he calls himself a socialist and has socialist plans:

Some already have started to frighten people about the label “democratic socialist.” Trump paints it as Venezuela or Cuba. Mike Bloomberg has called Sanders (and presumably Warren’s) views on taxing wealth “communist.” Voters are going to hear a lot more of this nonsense, if Sanders continues to build momentum or Warren catches fire.

Here’s the reality. The important word in “democratic socialism” isn’t socialism, it’s democratic. Sanders isn’t talking about making America into Cuba or Venezuela; he’s talking about extending social guarantees like those offered in most other advanced industrial states, invoking Denmark or Sweden. These countries have universal health care at lower cost, paid family leave, guaranteed paid vacations, higher minimum wages, more generous public retirement programs. They also have vibrant and competitive economies, lower inequality, less poverty, and higher life expectancies.

Don’t you think if we wanted to live in Sweden, we’d be there right now? Seriously, Bernie isn’t talking about turning America into Denmark, which we don’t either, he’s a fan of the brutal communist regimes of the Soviet Union, Cuba, and Nicaragua. He’s calling for a revolution to destroy capitalism and America as we know it. Try agin, Jesse because this is a complete load.

Al Sharpton too doesn’t think people should be worried about the socialist and communist nature of Bernie’s attempted overthrow of the United States.

“The civil rights movement always was target by those that would use the red scare. They accused Dr. King of being a communist,” said Sharpton.

That’s because Martin Luther King Jr. really was a communist. What’s yer point?

“Every major leader in the 60’s, they tried to call socialist or communist. Whatever you decide t to do on Saturday, do not go by those that use the socialist tag to try to separate us from what we need to do for this country because we been down that road before and we are not that stupid to allow you to tell us who is what,” Sharpton said.

They called MLK a commie because he’s a commie. They call Sharpton stupid because he’s stupid. The proof is that he’s claiming other people have unfairly tagged Bernie Sanders as a socialist. Bernie Sanders call himself a socialist, which is where that comes from.

And while this seemed like an endorsement of Bernie Sanders and his socialist plans, Sharpton accidentally admitted that socialism has been a complete failure:

“Socialism, capitalism, all of it has not worked fairly for black folks,” said Sharpton

What was that thing about Sharpton saying he’s not stupid? Let’s review what he has said here: “Bernie’s a commie just like Dr. King, but don’t let them tell you he’s a socialist even though he is and BTW socialism doesn’t work for black people so vote for the socialist.”

The only thing I can conclude from this is that Bernie Sanders promised to create some cabinet-level positions for Sharpton and Jackson. Maybe he’ll start the Department of Hustling and Pimping (HAP) or possibly the Bureau of Not Paying Your Taxes (BONPYT). There’s simply no way either of these two scam artists would freely give away their endorsements to the whitest guy to ever run for president.