CNBC Puts Out ‘Joe Biden’ Map Of The U.S. With Most States Misidentified

Joe Biden never knows where the hell he is and often misidentifies the city, state, and country he’s in. The last thing the liberal media wants to do is call attention to his slipping mental facilities so CNBC released a “Joe Biden” map with most of the states incorrectly marked. The hope is that people won’t think Biden is crazy or senile and simply accept the newly named states. Once again fake news comes through for the democrats.

This is a real map that CNBC had up on their website for over six hours on Thursday before someone noticed a problem:

As you can see most of the states are wrong. I think they got Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, and Colorado right, but screwed up the rest. Maybe they were going alphabetically and after five, said “f*ck it.” 5 out of 50 isn’t even good for Joe Biden, who can identify a location slightly better than that.

They didn’t even bother marking Delaware and that’s Joe Biden’s state.

In addition, the shapes of Alabama, Mississippi, Indiana, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire appear, but are not marked as anything. Presumably these states represent the Mad Max wasteland or perhaps the “Forbidden Zone” from Planet of the Apes where Dr. Zeus is trying to keep everyone from knowing this place was once ruled by humans.

Even weirder, Maryland isn’t included at all. Where it should be is now a great bay that extends all the way to West Virginia, which the map identifies as Wisconsin. I’m sure the people of Northern Virginia and Southern Pennsylvania are happy about the new beachfront property and getting rid of all those Baltimorons.

My favorite part about the map is that Hawaii (identified as Utah) is smack dab in the middle of the Mexican desert. Sure the waves won’t be as good at Waimea, but at least you can now drive there.

If Biden is going by this map, and there’s no reason to think he won’t, he came in 4th place in the Kansas caucus, 5th place in Forbidden Zone primary, and landed a distant second place in the New Hampshire caucus. Actually Biden thinks Nevada is California and New Hampshire is Iowa, but I’m sure he can adjust.

With this map, Biden is gearing up for the South Dakota primary on Saturday and then it’s on to Super Tuesday where he will be confused by 14 states.

In reality, CNBC put this map up to show the states that have the most people who don’t take prescribed medicine because they can’t afford it. It is mind-boggling that someone took the time to make a map this bad and that nobody seemed to notice in the publishing process, leaving it up for 6 hours.

Kindergartners can successfully identify the 50 states, but CNBC doesn’t appear to have anyone with this level of education. If they screw up a map of America this bad, how can they be trusted to deliver real news? That’s one of those rhetorically questions because we all know no one in the liberal media can be trusted to report the truth.

The map does however seem pretty close to Joe Biden’s perception of this country and he should embrace it as his own. He’ll be as famous as Gerardus Mercator.