After A $500 Million Toilet Flush, Michael Bloomberg Drops Out

Just 24 hours after swearing he wouldn’t drop out of the race, Michael Bloomberg dropped out of the race. After a pathetic showing in the Super Tuesday primaries, the NY billionaire suspended his campaign. Basically he spent $500 million to win in American Samoa, which is as sad as it sounds. The good news is, he’s still a jackass and will continue to flush his money down the toilet in an effort to defeat President Trump.

Fox News reports:

Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg suspended his presidential campaign Wednesday after spending record amounts from his own fortune on an ad-blitz strategy that failed to yield any wins on Super Tuesday beyond a single victory in the American Samoa caucuses.

He immediately announced he would be endorsing Joe Biden, following in the footsteps of other moderate-leaning Democratic presidential candidates who have consolidated support behind the former vice president in his primary brawl against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“I’m a believer in using data to inform decisions. After yesterday’s results, the delegate math has become virtually impossible – and a viable path to the nomination no longer exists. But I remain clear-eyed about my overriding objective: victory in November,” said Bloomberg in a statement.

At what point was there every any data that suggested Bloomy was going to win the nomination? Also, the results of Super Tuesday isn’t a spreadsheet of data to be analyzed, he got his ass kicked in state after state.

Proving that this major ass-whooping knocked a few screws loose in Bloomberg’s head, this is his endorsement of Joe Biden:

“I’ve known Joe for a very long time. I know his decency, his honesty, and his commitment to the issues that are so important to our country – including gun safety, health care, climate change, and good jobs,” Bloomberg said.

Is he talking about the guy who sniffs women’s hair, lets kids rub his hairy legs in the pool, and extorted Ukraine to help out his crackhead son? Maybe “decency” and “honesty” mean something completely different to democrats.

You know President Trump wasn’t going to let this spectacular Bloomberg collapse go without a tweet:

Showing exactly why his vanity campaign was such a major flop, Bloomberg responded to Trump with this meme fail:

Okay, in Bloomberg’s witty retort, Donald Trump is Darth Vader and he is Obi Wan Kenobi. Just minutes after this line is delivered, Darth Vader Kills Obi Wan, which is fairly accurate to what happened to Bloomberg in the democratic primary race.

It gets dumber for Bloomberg because he’s obviously never seen a Star Wars movie. Darth Vader’s children, Luke and Leia go on the form the resistance that takes down the Empire. What Bloomberg is saying with this meme is that Don Jr. and Ivanka will take over after Trump’s second term and rule the galaxy. Sick burn, bro.

Buying an election isn’t as easy as Bloomberg thought. He set $500 million on fire. Tom Steyer, the other billionaire who crapped out, dropped $271 million of his own money. Combined, these two assholes wasted 3 quarters of a billion dollars to achieve nothing.