Nancy Pelosi Says Democratic Voters Are Sexists With Small Ding Dongs

Nancy Pelosi must have confused Throwback Thursday with Opposite Day because she said something true that also made sense. According to the House Speaker, Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the race because democratic voters are misogynists with small penises. I’m not sure this is something that will rally people to the eventual democratic party nominee, but I’m not going to tear her down when she finally had a moment of clarity. Good job, Nutty Nancy.

As you’ve probably heard, Elizabeth Warren was forced to leave the democratic primary race because of a lack of support. This isn’t the first time Warren had to leave a race (Native American) so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but you know how liberals are. Everyone on the left is screaming that sexism is the reason why Warren’s shitty campaign never got any traction, without realizing they are calling themselves the sexists.

And speaking of which, here’s Nancy Pelosi’s weekly press conference:

“What does Elizabeth Warren’s withdrawal from this race say about the willingness of Americans and the democratic party to put a woman at the top of the ticket to be president?” asked a reporter.

“I so wish, every time I get introduced as the most powerful woman blah blah, I almost cry because I wish that were not true. I so wish we had a woman President of the United States,” began Pelosi.

She’s not the only one who wishes she wasn’t the most powerful woman blah blah.

After saying, “Elizabeth, so knowledgable and the rest,” Pelosi explained why she thought men didn’t support Warren’s campaign:

“I do think there’s a certain element of misogyny that is there. And some of it isn’t really mean spirited, it just isn’t their experience. Many of them will tell you they had a strong mom, strong sister, strong daughters but they have their own insecurities,” said Pelosi with a giggle.

When Pelosi talks about men having insecurities, especially while laughing, she’s saying they have small wieners.

There you have it: Nancy Pelosi blames small-dick women-haters for Elizabeth Warren’s campaign failure. And let’s not forget that this was the democratic primary, not the general election, she failed in so Pelosi is saying that male democratic voters are sexists with tiny ding-dongs.

As I said, Nancy finally got something right. She clearly didn’t realize she was insulting half of her base but I believe in giving credit where credit is due.

After emerging briefly from the fog of dementia, Pelosi dove right back into the mist when she tried to name all of the awesome women who ran and failed in the democratic primary race.

“We had Kamala and Kelsie, Tulsi, Kelsie is my scheduler. Tulsi. Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris, um (tapping her fingers) Williamson. Williamson. We had a wide range,” Pelosi said.

Despite the high-profile campaigns of women like Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Kirsten Gillbrand, the only ones Pelosi could think of were Kamala Harris and fringe candidates Tulsi Gabbard and Marianne Williamson.

All democrats say insane things in the primaries and then pay the price when they have to pivot back to the general election. Pelosi says democratic men are suffering from tiny penises and somehow she has to convince theses guys to support the party’s candidates in November. Or maybe they’ll go to the GOP where dick-shaming isn’t a thing.