Democrat Steny Hoyer Says Trump’s Fight For Accurate Election Results Is Treason

The liberal media has declared Joe Biden The winner of the 2020 election, but they don’t actually have that power so the outcome is still undetermined. There is enough evidence of voter fraud in several keys states to question the results and President Trump is pursuing all legal avenues to make sure the right person is declared the victor. House Majority Whip Steny Hoyer however says this quest for the truth is treasonous, because he’s a democrat and they don’t know what words mean.

In reaction to Trump’s legal team laying out their challenges in states like Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, democrat Hoyer had only this to say:

“He is undermining the very essence of democracy, which is: You go to the poll, you vote and the people decide. There’s no doubt that the people decided. I think this borders on treason,” said Hoyer.

Treason? Is that really the word he was looking for?

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution defines treason as: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Some examples of treason are:

  • Sending pallets of cash to a hostile nation so they can continue to develop nuclear weapons to be used against us and our allies, as Obama did with his shitty Iran Nuclear deal.
  • Standing down and denying aid when an American embassy is under attack from radical Islamic terrorists, as Hillary Clinton did with Benghazi.
  • Allowing access to sensitive government material as Dianne Feinstein, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, did by employing a Chinese spy for 20 years. Or as Hillary Clinton did by sending classified information over her unsecured illegal home server.
  • Working with hostile foreign governments to undermine a U.S. election as Obama did in 2016 by relying on Russian disinformation to spy on the Trump campaign. Or as Hillary did to procure that Russian disinformation.
  • Selling political influence to hostile foreign nations as Joe Biden has done with China and Russia. Or as the Clintons have done through their bogus family foundation.

Hey, look at that. Hillary Clinton made the Top 5 Treason List 4 times. How is she not in jail?

Steny Hoyer may want to take a look at his own party before throwing out the “T” word so callously.

Clearly what President Trump is doing doesn’t come close to the definition of treason. He is well within the law and his rights to challenge the results of state elections. He isn’t waging war against the United States nor is he working with our enemies to do so.

Maybe that’s the key to Hoyer’s statement. As a democrat, he considers Republicans “the enemy” and views any effort to stop the election theft as acts of war against the democratic party. In a weird way, he kind of got it right, though backwards. Democrats are the enemy of the American people so any strike against them is actually an act of patriotism.

Considering there is strong evidence that money from China, Venezuela, and Cuba helped the democrats steal the 2020 presidential election, Hoyer’s party are the ones who committed treason. Once again, whatever democrats accuse others of is what they are guilty of.