Joe Biden Cusses Out Autoworker While Threatening To Take His ‘AR-14’

Lunch bucket Joe, self-proclaimed champion of the working class, was winning hearts and minds in Michigan as he cussed out an autoworker and threatened to take his guns. Not only did an angry Biden tell this guy that he’s “full of shit” he then proceed to say he was going to take the man’s “AR-14s” away. Let’s see if this bold campaign strategy to insult voters and appear insane pays off in today’s primary.

Biden was touring an auto plant when one of the workers confronted him on his unconstitutional gun control plans.

“You are actively trying to diminish our 2nd Amendment right,” said the man.

“You’re full of shit,” Biden shot back.

Nice one, Joe.

“I support the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment just like right now if you yelled ‘fire’ that’s not free speech,” said Biden.

After that display of Constitutional ignorance, Biden then tried to qualify himself as a gun guy, which liberals believes give them the authority to ban guns.

“From the very beginning. I have a shotgun. I have a 20-gauge. I have a 12-gauge. My sons hunt,” said Biden.

Technically he only has one son and the only things that guy hunts is crack and strippers. His name is Hunter, so Joe gets partial credit.

“Guess what? You’re not allowed to own any weapon,” said Biden.

So Biden supports the 2nd Amendment which protects the right to keep and bear arms then says we are not allowed to own any weapons at all? I’m not sure he quite understands what “shall not be infringed” means. I can assure him that it doesn’t mean the government gets to decide what we can and can’t have.

“I’m not taking your guns away. You need a hundred rounds?” Biden added.

The man then accused Biden of saying he was going to take our guns, which he most certainly has done on several occasions.

“I did not say that. I did not,” screamed Biden.

The man pointed out that he’s seen Biden on video saying very clearly that he would take our guns away and Crazy Joe finally had to come clean.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait. I said I’d take your AR-14s away,” said Biden.

Joe’s senility gives him a technical win here. He says he not taking any guns besides “AR-14s” and since those don’t actually exist, what he said is not a contradiction. If he had said “AR-15s” that would be a different case, but Crazy Joe doesn’t have any idea what the hell he’s talking about.

Recently former Secretary of State John Kerry, campaigning on Biden’s behalf, said he would take our “AR-16’s.” Just to be sure, they should also threaten to confiscate ARs 1 through 13.

And finally:

“Look, here’s the deal, here’s the deal. Are you able to own a machine gun? Under the law?” Biden asked.

“Machine guns are illegal,” responded the autoworker.

“That’s right. So are AR-15’s illegal,” claimed Biden.

Hey, he finally got the gun right. Too bad everything else is wrong. AR-15s are not machine guns, nor are they illegal.

To sum up: Biden says he supports the 2nd Amendment which he interprets as meaning people are not allowed to own any weapons, then claims he isn’t taking anyone’s guns away, followed immediately by him saying the he wants to take everyone’s guns. The fact that he started this off by telling the autoworker that he’s “full of shit” makes this the least self-aware thing ever as nobody is more full of shit than Joe.