Hanoi Jane Fonda Commands You To Support Communist Bernie Sanders

What are the chances that a woman who sided with the communist North Vietnamese Army over America would endorse a communist presidential candidate who also hates America? Actually, they’re quite good. Hanoi Jane Fonda is not only endorsing Bernie Sanders but also commanding people to follow suit. For some reason there’s absolutely no room for freewill when it comes to communism, so do what Jane says or it’s off to the Gulag for you.

Fox News reports:

Jane Fonda is throwing her support behind Bernie Sanders in the 2020 presidential race due to his position on climate change.

The 82-year-old celebrity spoke ahead of another Fire Drill Friday protest in Los Angeles where she noted that since Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar, two candidates she reportedly donated to, are out of the race, she’s backing Sanders to be the Democratic nominee to go up against Donald Trump in the 2020 general election.

Bernie is Fonda’s third choice and yet she’s very militant about this:

“We have to get a climate president in office, and there’s only one right now, and that’s Bernie Sanders. So, I’m indirectly saying I believe you have to support the climate candidate,” said Fonda.

Indirectly? No, she just told people they have to support Bernie Sanders, which is a direct command.

Fonda’s endorsement got weird when she tried to take a shot at the fossil fuel industry and ended up punching Berne in the nuts.

“There’s a small bunch of white men getting really rich while they’re destroying the health of the people,” Fonda said.

Hey, isn’t Bernie Sanders a small white man who is getting rich? He’s not getting rich destroying the health of the people but he does want to destroy the health care of the people and their economy and country, so that’s close enough.

Proving that communists and kooks attract, Fonda finished up her endorsement of Bernie by saying that we should all sit in the dark:

“We have to say ‘no more fossil fuel!’ Windmills are great and solar panels are great and Priuses are great and we have to do all that but it’s not going to matter if we don’t stop the drilling and the franking and the exporting and the refining of fossil fuels,” Fonda said.

If we stop all production and use of fossil fuels, where are we going to get our electricity from? We already know Fonda is against clean nuclear power, so she’s saying that we have to go back to living like the people of neolithic times. Actually worse, because those cavemen burned things for warmth and to cook, something Fonda is also against. Fonda wants us to live like primates before they evolved into humans, which doesn’t sound all that appealing.

It’s actually a fair assessment of what things would be under Bernie Sanders’ socialist revolution. People in socialist societies tend not to have comforts that we take for granted like power, running water, food, tfreedom, etc…

A communist sympathizer commanding us to vote for an actual communist so we can have the privilege of living like pre-human primates isn’t exactly the world’s best political endorsement. Then again, leftists are all completely out of their minds and do whatever stupid thing their overlords tell them.

Bernie could say that toilet paper is a capitalist 1-percenter billionaire-class tool of oppression, suggesting that people should wipe their asses with their bare hands and his supporters would cheer like it was the most brilliant thing anyone has ever said.