Joe Biden Lies About Senate Record And Forgets What Year It Is

Joe Biden has already told a bunch of whoppers this primary season including that he was arrested in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela. He thinks he’s running for Senate so you’d at expect him to be honest about his Senate record. Well, if he were sane you’d expect that. In a completely bonkers virtual town hall, Lyin’ Joe claimed he sponsored the Endangered Species Act, which he did not, and then forget what year it is. Luckily the liberal media doesn’t know how to use the Internet or one of them might fact-check him on this brazen lie.

Friday, Biden held a virtual town hall that was plagued by technical issues. It started 2 hours late and then when they finally got it going, Biden’s voice sounded like this:

Out of 45 minutes of town hall, Biden’s campaign released about 18 minutes of useable footage, but they left in him lying about stuff.

At about the 15 minute mark of the video a woman named Marie, with a serious Midwestern accent, asked Biden what he will do to protect animals and wildlife.

“Well look, I wanna so say something beyond that,” said Biden.

Not a great start and it would get worse.

“One of the things that I did early on in my career as a U.S. Senator was I was one of the sponsors of the Endangered Species Act,” claimed Biden.

In a matter of seconds, using space-age technology, I was able to get on the Interwebz to look up The Endangered Species Act of 1973. It was introduced by Senator Harrison A. Williams Jr. (D-NJ) and had 8 cosponsors, none of who were Joe Biden.

There was a Senator from Delaware who cosponsored the ESA, but it was a Republican named William Roth, but that ain’t Joe Biden. Another cosponsor was a Senator named Alan Bible (D-NV) so maybe Crazy Joe thinks that’s close enough.

This is a lie. Biden never cosponsored the Endangered Species Act of 1973. If any Republican told a lie of this magnitude, the liberal media would go ape-shit.

Biden finished this lie of answer by saying he wants to give Brazil 20 billion dollars to stop farming and then wandered off camera, forgetting he was doing a live-stream.

In another fun adventure during the virtual town hall, Biden demonstrated that he has no concept of time. Biden was asked about health care and bragged about how he was going to fix everything in ObamaCare that he takes full credit for. Biden however cautioned that he can’t fix what he broke until he gets into the White House, which is at a time he’s really not sure about:

“Even I can’t do that for another two years — another year, between now and November…or actually, January,” stammered Biden.

He had 3 swings at it and struck out. The next presidential election is not 2 years from now or even 1 year. Also, the next presidential inauguration is not 2 years from now or even 1. The next election is in November, which is 8 months from now. The next inauguration is in January 2021, which is 10 months from now.

If President Trump was so confused that he didn’t know the difference between 2 years and 8 months, the liberal media would go ape-shit. If Trump wasn’t quite sure when the the next election was, the liberal media would go super-monkey ape-shit.

Things have changed drastically in the last week or so because of coronavirus panic, so it’s reassuring that Joe Biden is still crazy and full of shit. If Biden can still lie and be insane without the liberal media drawing attention to it, maybe things are going to be okay after all.