Biden Promises Food Shortages

Ever since Joe Biden destroyed America and the world, his polling numbers have been low so his handlers have been working on messaging. Clearly there’s more work to be done because today the illegitimate president promised food shortages. He was going to promise herpes for everyone too, but he couldn’t read it off the teleprompter.

Biden was in Brussels today “fixing” the Russian invasion of Ukraine when he took a press conference with a list of pre-approve question-askers. Even so, things didn’t go well for Joe:

Biden was asked about food shortages, especially meant shortages in the U.S. as a result of all the things Joe has f*cked up since stealing the White House.

“With regard for food shortages, yes we did, vree vree suh talk about food shortages and it’s gonna be real,” said Biden.

Again, Biden really needs to work on his messaging. Proudly proclaiming that American is going to be just like Venezuela is not the win he thinks it is.

Just like everything else, Biden passed the blame for his failures.

“The price of these sanction is not just imposed upon Russia, it’s imposed on an awful lot of countries as well including European countries and our country as well,” Biden said.

I do believe Biden just forgot the name of the United States of American. He would soon remember the name oof our country but forget everything else:

“And uh because uh both uh Russia and Ukraine have been the breadbasket of Europe in terms of what for example, just give one example, but we had a long discussion uh G7 with uh um the uh with both uh United States which has uh uh significant third largest producer wheat in the world as well as Canada which is also a major major producer and we both talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly food food shortages,” said Biden.

In answer to the coming food shortages in the United States, especially meat, Biden said the Unites States and Canada will rapidly disseminate food shortages. There’s bad messaging and then there’s whatever the hell that was.

Things got worse when a reporter asked Biden if there was anything he or NATO could do to stop Donald Trump from getting re-elected in 2024. Biden proceeded to retell the lie that Trump said there were “very fine” Nazis but fucked it up saying, “He said, ‘There very good people on both sides.'”

What does that have to do with stopping Trump? Nobody knows but Biden was caught up in his own delusions.

“We’re a long way off on elections, a long way off. My focus if any election is making sure we retain the House and the Unite States Senate so that I have room to continue to do the things that I been able to do,” Biden said.

Good luck with that. Also, the only things he’s been able to do have been really bad and had nothing to do with Congress.

Biden finished off by getting pissed at a reporter who asked him why more sanctions would deter Vladimir Putin when the sanctions never deterred him in the first place.

“let’s get something straight, you remember if you covered me from the very beginning, I did not say that, in fact, the sanctions would deter him,” Biden scolded.

Here’s all the times Biden said sanctions would deter Putin before Russia invaded Ukraine from The Washington Examiner:

Five times the White House said sanctions could deter Putin

A major theme for Biden thought this presser was that he is a foreign policy expert but all he really did was demonstrate the his mind is mush. Unfortunately there isn’t enough of that mush to feed everybody when his promised food shortages start happening.