Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables! Is there any longer even a smidge of doubt that Democrats are the enemy of the republic?

Giddy Democrats Planning to Exploit the Economic Crisis to Hurt Trump

Via American Greatness

It’s sickening to watch the Democrats exploit a public health crisis in an effort to score political points against President Trump, but they’ve made perfectly clear in the past that they’re not willing to “let a good crisis go to waste.”

President Trump’s policies have brought this country historic levels of prosperity, but Democrats have been predicting an imminent economic crisis from virtually the moment he was elected. Now, as the novel coronavirus sows panic in the markets, the president’s opponents are hoping they’ve finally found a way to hamstring the strong and growing American economy.

The Democratic presidential candidates, for instance, quickly began stoking fears of a possible recession caused by the coronavirus, preemptively asserting that it would be the president’s fault.

President Trump’s incredible record of success in bringing the U.S. economy back to life after the pathetic Obama-era “recovery” has been a consistent thorn in the side of his critics, who have had no luck persuading the American people with their pessimistic assessments at a time when unemployment was at a half-century low, wages were rising for workers at all income levels, and formerly forgotten citizens were being uplifted by policies that benefit all Americans.

Now that the coronavirus outbreak has created the first plausible threat to America’s economic boom we’ve encountered at any point in the past three years, the Democrats are gleefully seizing on the opportunity to cheer for a downturn.

Read the entire article HERE.

Clyburn Brazenly Admits What We Suspected: Dems Using COVID To Change America To Fit Their Vision

Via The Western Journal

On Sunday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tossed a purely partisan grenade into the Senate and utterly destroyed a bipartisan legislative package intended to provide desperately needed economic relief to the country amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Both Republican and Democratic senators had spent several days negotiating a nearly $2 trillion package that would provide financial assistance to workers, small businesses, large corporations and certain industries hit particularly hard by the economic shutdown in response to the public health crisis.

Then Pelosi showed up and declared the package not good enough while touting a number of demands that, at best, were only tangentially related to the coronavirus issue, which prompted Senate Democrats to essentially scuttle the whole thing on Sunday afternoon.

In retrospect, however, we all should have seen this coming, based on a rather telling comment days earlier from one of the California Democrat’s top allies in the House.

The Hill reported that, on Thursday, House Democrats held a conference call to discuss both the efforts in the Senate to construct a coronavirus fiscal relief package as well as ideas for a package of their own for the same alleged purpose.

Based on what was reportedly discussed during that call, however, it was clear that House Democrats viewed the current moment as an opportunity worth seizing to try and push through some of their preferred policies. Some of those policies had little or no bearing whatsoever on providing economic relief to laid-off workers, small businesses on the brink of closure, or large corporations struggling to avoid bankruptcy.

In fact, it was House Majority Whip James Clyburn, third in line among House Democratic leadership, who gave the whole game away with one single comment.

“This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,” the South Carolina Democrat reportedly told his fellow Democratic lawmakers during the conference call.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Truth About the United States’ “Continuity of Government” Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect Storm

By Whitney Webb

Last week, Newsweek published a report entitled “Inside The Military’s Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government,” which offers vague descriptions of different military plans that could be put into effect if the civilian government were to be largely incapacitated, with a focus on the potential of the current novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to result in such a scenario.

The article’s author, William Arkin, largely frames these plans as new, though — buried deep within the article — he eventually mentions that such contingency plans can be traced back to the Eisenhower administration (though they were in place before) and have since been developed and updated by most subsequent administrations, largely through the issuance of executive orders. Arkin also points out that some of these “Continuity of Government”, or COG, plans include the “devolution” of leadership and Constitutional authority, which he notes “could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America.”

Yet, there are key aspects of COG and its development that Arkin leaves out.

Main Core is the aspect of COG that is most often ignored in reporting on these types of plans, with Arkin’s article being just a more recent example. While most of the rare mentions of COG in the mainstream touch on how those plans would result in the implementation of martial law and the suspension of the Constitution, they even more rarely — if ever — mention Main Core. Indeed, the last “mainstream” reports on Main Core were written over a decade ago — all in 2008 — by Chris Ketcham in Radarby Scott Horton in Harpers and by Tim Shorrock in Salon.

Given that COG is now creeping back into mainstream reporting, revisiting Main Core is essential as the database still exists and has grown considerably since Oliver North first oversaw its creation in the early 1980s. In Ketcham’s 2008 article on the subject, he quotes then-senior government officials who said that, at the time, the number of “unfriendly” Americans on that database was approximately 8 million. Ketcham further notes that, in the event COG is implemented, these individuals could be subject to anything ranging from “heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Greenlights Mandatory Gun Store Closures

Via The Washington Free Beacon

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Sunday night denied an emergency request that would have blocked a gubernatorial order mandating the closure of gun retailers in response to the novel coronavirus.

The order to shut down gun stores was part of a larger plan set forth by the state’s Democratic governor, Tom Wolf, mandating the closure of businesses not deemed “life-sustaining.” Gun-rights advocates asked the state’s Supreme Court to block the order as it applied to gun retailers, but the seven-member court denied the request.

The court’s decision comes as Pennsylvanians and Americans more broadly have flooded gun stores. Industry officials said sales had spiked as much as 300 percent last week due to concerns of relaxed law enforcement during the outbreak and some retailers even reported running out of stock—at least temporarily. While the first states to implement aggressive shutdown measures have split on whether they would include gun stores, the country’s top gun-rights groups have threatened more legal action.

The governor’s order went into effect on Monday as a result of the court’s decision. It is unclear how long the order will remain in place.

Read the entire article HERE.

Man who tried to treat himself with hydroxychloroquine DIES: Couple ate fish tank cleaner thinking it was drug that Trump is touting as coronavirus remedy

Via The Daily Mail

A man has died and his wife is under critical care after they ingested a chemical found commonly found in fish tank cleaner thinking it was the miracle coronavirus cure President Donald Trump touted at a press conference last week.

Banner Health, a non-profit hospital system based in Arizona, issued a statement urging the public against the use of inappropriate medications and household products to prevent or treat COVID-19 on Monday.

To emphasize the importance of the warning, officials disclosed a few details of what happened with an unnamed couple that ignored the advice and took their medical care into their own hands.

The couple, both in their 60s, were rushed to the hospital about 30 minutes after ingesting chloroquine phosphate, according to the statement.

It’s believed that they confused the chemical – an additive often used at aquariums to clean fish tanks – with hydroxychloroquine, an antimalaria drug that’s shown promising results in treating COVID-19 patients.

Read the entire article HERE.

Echoes Of Hitler As Germany Bans Public Gatherings of More Than TWO People

Via Big League Politics

Germany is set to implement the most stringent social distancing policy in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus epidemic, preparing to ban gatherings of more than TWO people.

The policy would in fact prevent people more congregating in more than a pair.

North Rhine-Westphalia state premier Armin Laschet announced the policy in conjunction with the nation’s federal government on Sunday. He cited the danger of “direct social interaction,” explaining that the state and federal governments had agreed upon the rule.

People who live in the same households are exempt from the rule, avoiding an Orwellian situation in which people would be banned from living with their relatives in their own homes.

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is known as a reliable liberal authoritarian, having taken a decisive stance against the western conception of free speech months ago. Social distancing policies aren’t too much to ask of citizens in the age of the global pandemic, but it’s unclear how a ban on gatherings of more than 2 people is even going to be plausibly enforced.

The German chancellor herself went on to enter quarantine hours after she endorsed the gatherings-of-two restriction Sunday morning, having been exposed to someone who tested positive for the virus.

It seems it would be more realistic and honest for the German government to adopt measures seen in Italy, where more than 16 million people have been forcibly quarantined in their homes. Such an approach would probably obtain the desired results of the social distancing rules without imposing restrictions on gatherings of more than two people.

Read the entire article HERE.

Dems Worried Stimulus Bill Would Stimulate Economy

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Amid political bickering over a potential economic relief package, Democrats warned Americans that the stimulus bill would stimulate the economy.

“This stimulus bill might stimulate the economy — which would hurt our chances to stop the bad orange man,” said Senator Chuck Schumer. “We can’t overstate how much damage this would do to our 2020 campaign. The last thing we need is a strong economy going into November.”

“This stimulus package is horrifying. It specifically includes funding to stimulate Trump’s economy, and we can’t have that.”

“We cannot pass it to find out what is in it — then we might accidentally increase Trump’s chance of reelection,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “We must move slowly and cautiously here.”

Upon reading part of the bill, Democratic leaders were confused to learn that it would give money back to taxpayers instead of taking it away. “Is that even legal?”

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and society HERE.

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