Feminist Warns That The Sexism Of Hating Elizabeth Warren Will Kill Us All

When Elizabeth Warren’s terrible campaign finally crapped out, liberals shamed us all for being too sexist to vote for an insipid liar. In reality it was the democrats who were sexist, but whatever. Taking this bogus theory of misogyny to a ridiculous extreme, a nutty feminist says that because sexism forced Elizabeth Warren out, we’re all going to die from the coronavirus. Huge, if true but I still don’t think too many people would have voted for her. She just sucks.

For some reason The Hill published an opinion piece by feminist author Lucina Di Meco. And I say “for some reason” because this is the actual headline of the piece: Gendered disinformation might have cost Warren the nomination and us our lives

See, I wasn’t lying. This is screaming “We’re all going to die because sexists wouldn’t vote for an unlikable woman!”

The article ain’t much better:

Millions of families are grappling with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; many world leaders are unprepared for the task, and it’s apparent that women’s leadership becomes ever more needed. Research finds female politicians are not only better able to use a more collaborative and bipartisan governing style but also find a direct correlation between women in government and countries’ health outcomes.

With this in mind, knowing that the United States will have to wait at least another four years to see a woman in the Oval Office feels ever more disheartening.

When Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) announced she was suspending her campaign on March 5, I didn’t cry, as I had in 2016. This time I was angry. In some ways, I could see this coming, as I had been researching, writing, and talking about gendered disinformation.

The author then goes on to detail how unfair people are on social media to women candidates and Elizabeth Warren in particular:

They also found that female candidates received more attacks from far-right and fake-news accounts than male politicians, often adding to people’s concerns regarding their electability, with Warren being their primary target.

Coming to this conclusion:

While it’s impossible to know for sure how strongly what they saw on social media influenced people’s voting choices against Elizabeth Warren and the other female candidates, it’s fair to think that it played some role…

No, it’s fair to say that Warren pretending to be an Indian princess, lying about everything in her life, and promising to have a 50% transgender cabinet is the reason why her campaign failed. It has nothing to do with her having a vagina and everything to do with her being full of shit.

In any case, the author says thanks to this sexism, we’re doomed:

As the reality of a global pandemic sinks in and the government’s unpreparedness becomes apparent, I cannot help but think of the opportunity the United States just missed. We could have elected a female president who had the kind of calm, prepared leadership style that is very much needed in situations like this.

As it turns out, the cost of inaction from policymakers, social media companies and nonprofit institutions who have failed in securing women have a fair shot at the political career might not only cost us the health of our democracies. In essence, it might cost us our lives.

That’s a solid argument right there, except for one little sticking point: If by some miracle Elizabeth Warren managed to get elected President of the United States, she wouldn’t be sworn in until a year after the coronavirus outbreak. How could she possibly stop the pandemic and save us all when she wouldn’t have the power to do anything about it until a year later?

Maybe this author thought that had Warren not dropped out after Super Tuesday that she would have been instantly sworn in as POTUS and kicked the coronavirus in the balls. That’s not how it works.

Really, by the time the November election rolls around, the coronavirus pandemic will have run its course and liberals will be bitching about Trump getting 4 more years. By the time of his 2nd inauguration, liberals will be trying to impeach him for colluding with COVID-19 to steal the 2020 election.

The only consequence of people disliking Elizabeth Warren is that now democrats are stuck with a couple of crazy old white guys who stand no chance in the general election. Liberals may feel like they’ve died when their candidate fails again, but that’s not the same thing as actually dying.