CNN and MSNBC Cut President Trump’s Coronavirus Press Conference

Yesterday, both CNN and MSNBC were bitching that they had to cover President Trump’s coronavirus updates/press conferences. Today both networks cut their coverage because they didn’t like that the President was talking about counter-terrorism efforts the U.S. is taking during the coronavirus pandemic. The reason the liberal networks gave was that it wasn’t coronavirusy enough for their tastes. Fake news has found a new way to be fake by trying to pretend the President of the United States doesn’t exist.

During Wednesday’s White House coronavirus update, President Trump talked about new intelligence that suggests both Iran is planning a sneak attack on American forces and that the Mexican drug cartels are planning to exploit the pandemic to move more illegal drugs in the U.S.

“As governments and nations focus on the coronavirus, there is a growing threat that cartels, criminals, terrorists, and other malign actors will try to exploit the situation for their own gain. And we must not let that happen. We will never let that happen. Today the United States is launching enhanced counter-narcotics operations in the Western hemisphere to protect the American people from the deadly scourge of illegal narcotics. We must not let the drug cartels exploit the pandemic to threaten American lives,” said President Trump.

This was too much for CNN who cut from President Trump’s update to Wolf Blitzer’s smug face.

“We’re going to continue to monitor this briefing and see if they get back to the issue of the coronavirus. That’s what we’re primarily interested in right now given the horrible numbers that we’ve been told over the past couple of days maybe 100,000 maybe as many as 240,000 Americans in the coming weeks or months may end up dead as a result of this virus,” said Blitzer.

CNN chief national correspondent John King went a step further and shamed President Trump for talking about things that the liberal media hadn’t pre-approved of.

“It is remarkable, and some would say shameless. This is a coronavirus task force briefing. The country is in a middle of a pandemic. Americans are afraid. They tune into these briefings to try to get information from the White House,” said King. “The President is trying to have a bit of a political statement here.”

And even Jim Acosta got into the bitch-fest accusing Trump of “bait-and-switch” for holding a coronavirus press conference and talking about coronavirus-related things.

Over on MSNBC, Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd was there when his goofball network also cut President Trump’s update.

“It’s certainly an interesting decision by the president to lead the task force with this,” Todd added. “If the president had important coronavirus news to tell us, I don’t know — I would assume it must not trump this in his mind,” cried Todd.

For the handful of people who actually watch CNN and MSNBC, here’s Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley explaining how our enemies are looking to exploit the coronavirus pandemic and how we’re going to kick the shit out of them:

Clearly this is coronavirus-related, making it relevant for a coronavirus press conference. CNN and MSBC have decided that their viewers (both of them) are too stupid to make up their own minds and are literally telling them how to think.

These liberal networks are censoring President Trump’s message to preserve their own false narrative and this equals the fakest of fake news possible.