AOC Is Pissed That Illegal Aliens Won’t Be Getting Coronavirus Relief Checks

The Senate unanimously passed a coronavirus relief package that will, among other things, give $1,200 checks to people who earn less than $75,000 a year. It’s safe to say that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be one of the many House democrats to vote “no” on this vital piece of legislation because she’s got some serious issues with it. The ditzy ex-bartender says it’s not fair because illegal aliens, who she says bankroll the country, won’t be getting a cut.

Here’s a tweet that would be surprising if to came from anyone other than AOC:

Thanks for the clarification. here’s a another one: American citizens and legal residents (immigrants) have Social Security numbers. It’s the illegal aliens who can’t get a SSN and so this is AOC being furious that lawbreaking scumbags aren’t getting a piece of the coronavirus relief pie. That’s dumb but there’s a whole lot more stupidity in this tweet.

These checks are not being funded on the backs of illegal aliens, because illegal alien contributions to our tax revenue is statistically insignificant. The way AOC sees it, illegal aliens are the only ones working and paying taxes in the United States and that’s simply not true. Even if they were contributing in any kind of significant way, they don’t belong here and shouldn’t be getting any “free” stuff. Period.

Next, you will notice that AOC blames illegal aliens not getting payments solely on the GOP. The coronavirus relief package passed unanimously in the Senate by a vote of 96-0. There are not 96 Republican Senators. In fact, every single democrat and independent Senator voted for this. Not only was this a massive bipartisan vote, democrats hung it up for a couple of days to get some silly socialism thrown in.

Lastly, AOC claims Wall Street is getting $4 trillion from the package. The coronavirus relief bill is a $2 trillion spending package so it doesn’t take an economist to see the impossibility of AOC’s claim. Oh wait, doesn’t AOC have a degree in economics? If anything she should be pissed at whatever clown college gave her a degree considering she learned nothing.

The relief bill has now been passed on to the Democrat-controlled House where they apparently are in no hurry to vote on it. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says starting on Friday they will begin a “rigorous debate.” Considering the level of insanity in the democratic caucus it may be some time before Americans get any relief at all from Congress.

AOC is freaking out because many people in her district are illegal aliens. She should relax. Most illegals have stolen SSNs and will find a way to steal coronavirus relief funds from Americans who really need it. They are an industrious people when it comes to mooching and robbing.