Mexicans Demand Their Government Stop Americans From Entering

The coronavirus shutdown has put millions of people out of work but also apparently created a prolonged period of “Opposite Day.” Mexicans are standing at the U.S./Mexico border blocking Americans from entering and are demanding their government stop all traffic from the North. Citing coronavirus fears, Mexicans don’t want Americans bringing death and disease into their country. Now they know how we feel all the f*cking time.

The BBC reports:

Mexican protesters have shut a US southern border crossing amid fears that untested American travellers will spread coronavirus.

Residents in Sonora, south of the US state of Arizona, have promised to block traffic into Mexico for a second day after closing a checkpoint for hours on Wednesday.

They wore face masks and held signs telling Americans to “stay at home”.

It’s racist when Americans tell illegal aliens to “go back to Mexico” so should this also be racist?

The border is supposed to be closed to all except “essential” business, but protesters said there has been little enforcement and no testing by authorities.

The blockade was led by members of a Sonora-based group, Health and Life, who called for medical testing to be done on anyone who crosses from the US into Mexico.

It’s racist when we try to do any kind of a background check on illegal aliens so shouldn’t this also be racist?

Jose Luis Hernandez, a group member, told the Arizona Republic: “There are no health screenings by the federal government to deal with this pandemic. That’s why we’re here in Nogales. We’ve taken this action to call on the Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to act now.”

It’s racist when we ask President Trump to do something about illegal immigration so shouldn’t this also be racist? Okay, I’ll stop. We all know things are only racist when white conservative people do them.

Mr Hernandez said the Wednesday demonstrations were a “first warning” to Mr Lopez Obrador, popularly known by his initials, Amlo.

The group have vowed to block the DeConcini checkpoint again after shutting it down on Wednesday afternoon.

In addition to lacking in self-awareness, these Mexicans also lack a source of news. President Trump already shut down the borders with Canada and Mexico. This is as dumb as LGBT protesters standing in front of a Chick-fil-A on a Sunday demanding they close. It’s already closed you morons.

Not surprising, this pointless protest isn’t so much about keeping Americans out as it is stopping the U.S. from deporting illegal aliens back to Mexico. Buried in this piece is this bit of information:

The group has called for enforcement of the crossing ban on all US or Mexican citizens for tourism or medical reasons, including those who cross the border every day to attend school or work in the US.

Authorities must also conduct medical testing on Mexicans deported from the US, they said.

The good news here is that these Mexican protesters have set an awesome precedent. When the coronavirus hysteria dies down, Americans can physically block U.S./Mexico border crossings and keep the Mexicans out.

Since coronavirus is flipping everything on it’s head, I think we are in store for lot’s more zaniness: CNN will report something factually true, Joe Biden will tell kids to stop rubbing his hairy legs, Hillary Clinton will admit that she lost the 2016 election because she ran a shitty campaign, and AOC will blow us away by saying something brilliant.

Actually, all of that stuff might be signs of the apocalypse, so hopefully they don’t happen.