Democrats Indicate They Will Try To Impeach President Trump Over Coronavirus

The party of never letting a crisis go to waste certainly sees a lot of opportunity in the coronavirus pandemic. Democrats have been pushing everything from gun control to socialism during this national emergency, but the one thing they want more than anything is to get rid of President Trump. In the words of Joe Biden, “not a joke” democrats are seriously going to try to impeach the President over his handling of the coronavirus.

This starts with Michigan’s democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer who was bitching and complaining about stuff that isn’t even real. President Trump called her out as being clueless and she responded with a lie that the President was telling vendors not to sell medical supplies to Michigan:

“When the federal government told us that we needed to go it ourselves, we started procuring every item we could get our hands on. What I’ve gotten back is that vendors with whom we had contracts are now being told not to send stuff here to Michigan. It’s really concerning,” said Whitmer.


“We’ve entered into a number of contracts and as we are getting closer to the date when shipments are supposed to come in, they’re getting canceled or they’re getting delayed. We’ve been told they’re going first to the federal government,” Whitmer said.

Just a day later she completely walked back the accusation that Trump was blocking medical supplies to Michigan, but that don’t stop democratic Senator Chris Murphy from sending this tweet:

That’s pretty unambiguous. Democrats are looking at this as an impeachable offense. He is technically correct that Michigan is the new Ukraine, because in both cases there was no reason to impeach and yet democrats went ahead and try to get the President removed form office over the Ukraine and clearly they will attempt the same thing with coronavirus.

With democrats, nothing happens organically and so it’s clear that a memo went out to hint at impeaching the President over his handling of the coronavirus crisis. Nancy Pelosi, who has already accused Trump of murder, also hinted at another sham impeachment.

The House Speaker was on CNN and accidentally said the quiet part out loud. While talking to Jake Tapper about how Trump has killed thousands and continues to murder, Pelosi let this slip out:

“I don’t know what the scientists are saying to [Trump]. I don’t know what the scientists said to him. When did this President know about this and what did he know? What did he know and when did he know it? That’s for an after-action review,” said Pelosi.

Gee, that’s the exact same language she and the democrats used for the sham Ukraine impeachment. It’s also the words they used for Nixon in the Watergate scandal.

Pelosi says very clearly that she and the House democrats are planning on “reviewing” the President’s response to the coronavirus, which is another way of saying they are putting together more articles of impeachment.

The polls show the majority of Americans approve of the President and his handling of the coronavirus plus democrats are running Crazy Joe Biden in November, so the election won’t get rid of Trump. Democrats obviously know this, so there are cooking up a new scheme to get rid of him and it involves the coronavirus.

They may want to worry more about hanging on to what little power they have left. After the failed Ukraine coup attempt, Trump’s approval rating shot up. After Pelosi and the democrats delayed the coronavirus relief package to push their socialist agenda, their approval bottomed out. Americans are sick with the coronavirus, but they are also sick of the ridiculous partisan antics of Pelosi Inc. and will vote accordingly in November.