If Joe Biden Was President, He’d Shut The Whole Country Down

After almost 4 years of democrats accusing President Trump of being a dictator, they have yet to provide one shred of evidence he’s abused his powers. Joe Biden, the democrats’ anointed one, however is already in full dictator mode saying if he were president that he’d completely shut down the entire country to “fix” the coronavirus. Democrats have a pretty sweet set of rules for themselves so when Joe Biden rapes, it’s not rape. When he is racist, it’s not racist. And when he acts like a tyrant, it’s not tyranny.

Joe Biden finally came out of his basement and did an interview. ABC’s David Muir asked Biden a series of tough questions…okay, that was a joke. He served up a bunch of meatballs for Joe and he still whiffed on some of them, including this one:

“If you’re sworn in come January and we have coronavirus and the flu combining — which many scientists have said is a real possibility — would you be prepared to shut this country down again?” Muir asked.

“I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. That is the fundamental flaw of this administration’s thinking to begin with. In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing and people employed, you have to fix the virus, you have to deal with the virus,” said Biden.

“So if the scientists say ‘shut it down’?” Muir asked.

“I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists,” replied Biden.

Here’s a little-known fact: the President of the United States lacks the authority to shut the country down. Did I say little-known? I meant widely-known. Well, widely-known to everyone but Joe Biden, who isn’t really sure who his wife is or where he is at any given time.

Muir’s question was flawed because President Trump never shut the country down in the first place, mostly because he lacks that authority, so it would be difficult for Biden to shut it down again, mostly because he would lack that authority, will never be president, and it’s impossible to do something again when it was never done before.

There are actually quite a few more problem with Biden’s answer like, which scientists would he be listening to when deciding to shut down the entire country? Almost every so-called scientific expert has been wrong at every turn since the coronavirus outbreak began. They said don’t wear a mask, then changed to you must wear a mask. They said hydroxychloroquine was deadly and ineffective, later chasing that to it’s an effective treatment. They said we need millions of ventilators and our hospitals will be overrun, but that never happened and now we have a useless surplus of ventilators.

Most of all, the scientists said we need to lock down until we flatten the curve, but now that the curve is flattened they say we still need to lock down for some reason, which relates to another problem with Biden’s answer.

He’s saying that we cannot resume any normalcy until the coronavirus has been “fixed” which I assume means eradicated. That’s never going to happen even with a vaccine. We’ve flattened the curve and in all likelihood have developed herd immunity. Nothing we do is going to make this thing any better or any worse and all of this lock down nonsense is political theater.

And that brings us to the biggest problem with Biden’s answer: If by some miracle Biden wins the election in November, the coronavirus hysteria is going to disappear the next day. All of this is being pushed by democrats to keep the economy depressed and the people scared because they think it will make the country elect this mentally unfit man to the White House.

Okay, one more problem with Biden’s answer: he’s a democrat so even if he does get elected and “fixes” the coronavirus, he will never get the economy moving. No democrat ever has before and the chances that an elderly guy with dementia is going to change that trend is remote.