Seattle Police Chief Tells People To Call 911 If They Hear Anything That Sounds Racist

This should be fun. The Seattle Police Chief has told residents to call 911 if they hear anyone else saying or doing racist things, which should effectively clog up all emergency lines. It’s a good thing there isn’t something like a viral pandemic going on where people might need to call emergency services. Oh wait, it turns out Washington state is a hot spot in the coronavirus outbreak. Perhaps this was a poorly timed message from the Seattle PD.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best did her best to demonstrate her poor leadership skills by making this ridiculous anti-hate crime PSA. Appearing with former Asian reporter Lori Matsukawa, Chief Best told people to call the cops no matter how stupid the reason.


“Hate crimes have no place in our community. We are better than that, Washington. We are all trying to deal with the COVID-19 public health crisis together. If you are a victim of a hate crime or hate-based harassment, please call 911,” said Matsukawa.

“We will document and investigate every reported hate crime. Even racist name-calling should be reported to police. We take this information very seriously. If you aren’t sure if a hate crime occurred, call 911. We are here to help,” Best said.

Did you catch that? The police chief is telling people to call 911 if they hear racist name-calling. Even worse, she encourages people to call the cops even if they think something racist had occurred.

Obviously these two clowns understand that there is currently a coronavirus pandemic, because they mention it, so telling people to tie up police and first responders with bogus calls of perceived racism is itself a hate crime against humanity.

It gets worse because oe where this stupid call for racial justice occurred. Liberals think literally everything is racist and Seattle is a very liberal place. No one with an actual emergency will be able to get through.

All of the restaurants are closed down because of coronavirus so therefore they refuse to serve black people and that’ll be several hundred calls an hour. The stores are out of toilet paper so therefore they refuse to sell to Hispanics, adding hundreds of more calls every hour. Because of social distancing rules, gay bath houses are closed and that’s a hate crime. President Trump calls it the “Chinese virus” because that’s where it comes from, but Asians will flood the lines with racism complaints.

The liberal media bombards us with stories about how hate crime reports are skyrocketing, but they leave out one important piece of information: hate crime convictions aren’t up significantly. And the reason for that is most hate crime reports are bullshit. They are hoaxes and/or things that are neither hate nor a crime.

The Seattle police chief is inviting fragile liberal snowflakes to report anything and everything they thing might be hateful or racist and the people will respond with a tsunami of bullshit hate crimes. This would be fine if the Seattle PD set up a message board for people to bitch on, but instead Chief Best wants all of these hurt feelings and fragility to come through the 911 emergency service system. On top of which, she promises the cops will investigate every single report.

In a time where resources are already stretched thin, Seattle has made it clear that their priority is catering to the perpetual victim classes. Everyone who is genuinely sick and dying because of coronavirus can take a back seat to a tranny who felt slighted at the Taco Bell drive-through.